One of Satan's greatest weapons against the Christian... who is serving and walking with the Lord... is to attack the mind. The armament of discouragement will stop a Christian before he has even started the work of the Lord and... it is more successful than you would think. Satan throws his fiery darts at my heart and mind on a daily basis... he has tried to frustrate and hinder that which God has put on my heart to do! So, I must 'put on' the armour of God daily and I must make my thinking... my mouth and my words... line up with God's Word... this is what keeps me going!
Our thinking and speaking are one of the most important weapons we can use when fighting any spiritual battle... we do it not in our own strength... but solely in the Lord's. We must be ever ready to speak words of life and blessings... when our walk gets tough. If we become downhearted and negative... our problems will only get worse... because we are giving satan permission and authority to join us in whatever we are doing!
The devil works calmly and methodically to plant a thought into our mind... then he sits back to see what we will do... where we will go with it! At that very moment... it becomes our duty... to accept or reject... to pursue or cast down those thoughts... by the very authority of our words and what scripture has taught us. We have complete control over our own minds and we are capable to defeat satan and his plans for us. God's Word says:
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4
If we have been washed in the blood of the Lamb... and have our hearts open to the Lord Jesus Christ... satan has no right to hang around. We must realize that satan has to flee when we command him to in the name of Jesus Christ. Each time the enemy comes with discouragement, anguish, sadness or sorrow... we must stand strong and speak God's Word!
The moment an unwelcome thought comes into our minds... we must be quick to speak words of authority and power... using scripture verses. If you haven't already memorized specific scriptures, start now... but even if it takes awhile... or you forget when you are in the midst of a battle... look to God! Jesus says in, Matthew 10:19 "But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the spirit of your Father which speaketh in you."
Take note: Never think that you are not good enough... or you do not have the skills to do the work of the Lord! The Holy Spirit will put in your heart... each step you need to take... so there is no need to worry! I would encourage you to search God's Word and write down all the scriptures that are relevant to the specific problems or situations that you are going through. The devil may not be afraid of you... but he is terrified of God's Word and he must obey when commanded to do... in the name above all names, Jesus Christ!
One more thing... always remember this little quote: God doesn't call just the qualified; He qualifies ALL whom He calls! And... He has called each of us to spread the Good News!