Author, Robert Boyd wrote a book in 1875 called, "Trials and Triumphs of Faith." It is a book of smaller stories... and the following is one, that I will never forget!
A minister was spending several days in one of our western cities. While he was waking up... in his third story room one morning... he heard the most beautiful whistling he had ever listened too. It was like that of a bird's note... but how could that be... for he was lending his ear to a perfectly regular tune with a lot of power. Still the music filled his room and as he ran downstairs to find the source... that same music filled the house. His eyes went to every person as he sought to find the wonderful performer.
Finally he asked the desk clerk, "Who is it that has such amazing power and beauty as a whistler?" The clerk laughed as he pointed the minister to a yellow canary bird that had been trained to perform in just such a way. Now that yellow canary was valued at $150.00 as opposed to the $10.00 that the clerk originally paid for it.
"How was that bird trained to sing this way?" asked the minister. In a quick reply, the clerk told him that during the training process the bird is nearly starved and shut up in a room that is almost completely dark. While the canary is under this severe discipline, and its attention is undivided... a bird organ is made to play this one tune over and over, for days upon days. Hearing nothing else and taught by his troubles, the poor little bird takes up the tune, which he performs so perfectly now... with clarity and power!
It is in such a way... that God permits us... His children to be afflicted... so that we might learn our heavenly song. He shuts us away in a darkened room of sorrow or adversity... far from this worlds tempting sights and sounds... that we may, without distraction, listen to His voice and learn to sing a higher melody of love and glory.
Blessed are we who will patiently wait... for the Lord's good time, to work out all of our deliverances. When the song of Grace is fully learned by each of us, God will bring us to a larger place and set our feet upon a rock. It is there we will sing with clarity and power... so that others will learn the sweet and pleasant song of His redeeming love.
Friend... do you find yourself shut out from life and those around you? Do you seem to be in a darkened room of trials and affliction? Take a moment to listen for the Saviors voice... listen to the songs around you... learn from them, so that you too can sing... the song of God's amazing grace. A song that liberates, empowers and fulfills the desires of our hearts... and remember... only God can give us those songs... the songs we must learn in the night!