Romans 5:5
I must say that there have been times when I just did not believe God loved me. Times when physical or emotional pain overwhelmed me and I could see no end in sight. I felt isolated,
frustrated and totally alone...I thought my God
had disappeared and was nowhere to be found.
I am thankful, that now I can say... I have grown some and I strive to continue to grow daily in my relationship with God. I do not wrestle with all my feelings or thoughts, like I use to. I have learned that I can not live by my feelings and thoughts, I must live by faith and facts. Romans 10:17 My hope is more secure now and my faith is growing daily in God's precious mercy, His wonderful grace and His Holy Word.
I work to hide the Word of God in my heart and my mind on a daily basis. For God's Word
states plainly that my thoughts are not God's thoughts... nor are my ways... the ways of
God. Therefore I must study the facts and live by God's Word alone! Isaiah 55:8
When Satan comes and he starts throwing his darts of lies at me, I remember that these are the most important times to quote God's Word back to him. Satan can't stand against the Word of God... so knowing God and His Word are essential to my walk with Him. I must KNOW... that I KNOW... (by hiding His Word in my heart... and by putting on the amour of God) God's love is constant and unmovable. His Love is a live in me!
For me... before I even get out of bed... I pray. I thank God for another day and than I ask Him to help me face this new day. Mentally I put on the armour of God so that when the attacks of Satan come... I am ready! Ephesians 6:11
*In taking these steps my hope will never be disappointed, my shame will diminish, and it's all because God's love has so generously been put into my heart by the Holy Spirit. I will shout and sing His praises even when I am completely surrounded by trials and troubles... for they work patience in me. I can't be shortchanged... I have the love of God and I have Jesus in my heart! (*My take on: Romans 5:5)
So, What's in your heart...?? I pray that with every trial you face... you will know Jesus even more... If you have accepted Jesus and are striving to live for Him... You can know God is right there with you... He is loving you and He will never leave you !!