At one time a drought had occurred upon the land and the people were losing their crops, wells were drying up and there was scarcely any water for the people to drink, much less their animals. The community united together to determine what could be done about the plight.
One person thought they could possibly dig deeper wells, while another theorized that they should abandon the land and migrate closer to flowing rivers of water, but one young lad thought they might consider gathering together to pray for rain!
Since prayer seemed like the most simple option to act upon, they settled on a day when they would all meet and ask God to send them the rainfall that they so greatly needed. So, on the day of prayer, all the folk gathered, but only that one young lad came with an umbrella!
That my friends is FAITH in a nutshell! So how does one obtain that kind of faith?
God's Word tells us that faith comes by hearing! Yes! FAITH comes from hearing and listening to God's Good News! The gospel therefore is the "Good News about Jesus Christ!"
But, how can people know this marvelous message if they do not hear about it? It's up to you and I to spread the message of Jesus Christ, how he came to earth, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, taught, healed and loved us so much that He took our sins upon Himself, and was crucified so that we might have forgiveness of our trespasses!
And, that's not all! Jesus not only overcame sin--He conquered death when He arose from the grave to give us ETERNAL LIFE WITH HIM! How much more excellent could "good news be?"
Isaiah once asked what we all have asked at one time or another: "Does anyone care, God? Does this world truly want to hear about Jesus? Are they listening to the gospel and more importantly are they believing it?"
The point is: Before FAITH can grow strong inside of you, you have to listen and trust the Lord! Unless Christ's Word is taught and preached, there is nothing more important to listen to!