WARNING: If you're not ready to hear some of my true concerns about "WHY" our prayers are not answered, you may not want to read today's blog. But, I absolutely felt led to share my heart about some pretty serious subjects. God Bless and keep each of you in His care! Judy
If my people, which are called by name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 CHRONICLES 7:14
It's time for me to get genuinely honest with my readers. Its time I shared what is really on my heart, without worrying about who reads or doesn't read my blog.
I don't care about the number of people reading, I only want the one reader who is honestly seeking the Lord Jesus Christ and His kingdom! The reader who loves the Lord more than pleasing his or her friends, the reader who is tired of playing church and the reader who wants more from the Lord, for he has promised it to us!
I am greatly and fiercely concerned for our children, grandchildren and the generations to come if we as believers don't get our act together. I constantly receive prayer requests for unsaved loved ones -- and while I take joy in praying for all our unsaved loved ones, we ALL need to pick up the challenge of praying for them!
We as parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles need to be praying for broken children of all ages! Those who are crippled by divorce, crushed and dying from illegal drugs, and confused by sexual orientation and gender identity!
I have to ask myself; "What will these children be, how will they respond to adulthood, what are we teaching them and do they even know the Lord our God??"
I have been in churches that were content to have a one hour service on Sunday Morning, and a one hour service on Wednesday night Bible Study and Prayer -- they have walked away from Sunday evening services, but more importantly their lacking the most valuable resource of all: "PRAYER!"
Two hours a week spent in churches -- 37 minutes a week of quality time with our families -- the divorce rate may be going down, but the marriage rate has dropped also! Many people are content to be with one partner until that relationship fails -- then they just move on to the next partner.
Jesus has said,
"I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." JOHN 8:12
"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." JOHN 14:6
"I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing." JOHN 15:5
For with God nothing shall be impossible. LUKE 1:37
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."
JOHN 14:12
Its not that we do greater works to gain "get fame, importance, or glory," that belongs to the Father in heaven! ALL Glory, Honor and Praise belongs to the Lord our God and that cannot be changed or forgotten!
So, as you read the following -- Keep the verses above in your mind!!
Christians, true believers need to get serious about their relationship with the Lord because of the way this nation has hit bottom as far as I can tell:
New Illinois law makes access to abortion a 'fundamental right!' Chicago -- Illinois Govenor J.B. Pritzker signed sweeping protections for abortion on Wednesday in a new law that establishes access to the procedure as a fundamental right for women. See: Jun 12, 2019: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/new-illinois-law-makes-access-to-abortion-a-fundamental-right
Since "Roe-vs-Wade" data from the Guttmacher Institute -- a research organization that supports legal access to abortion -- does indeed show more that 50 MILLION abortions were performed between 1973 and 2011. Those findings are peer-reviewed and have been cited by proponents and opponents of legal access to abortion alike. They rate this statement as TRUE. See: https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/reality-check/2015/03/06/million-abortions-claim-checks/24530159/
If that isn't enough to make our stomachs sick, I don't know what is. And, this is just one of America's lowest standards, including Christian Believers!
I have volunteered at abortion centers and have seen mothers come stomping in, "madder than a wet hen," because their daughters had questions and desired options due to their own pregnancy. One mother in particular yelled at me for counseling a 15 year old girl who was definitely against abortion and said, "I've had at least 5 and I'm okay!"
I can understand a mother being upset and not wanting their child to have a child, but there are so many couples out there who long to have a baby. I'm not trying to convince anyone to change your position on abortion! I am asking you to consider options other than killing an innocent baby!
Consider this fact: That while 6 Million Jews were killed in the holocaust, 50 Million babies have been killed since 1973?? See:
There are OTHER OPTIONS my friends!
(CNN) Here is a look at LGBT milestones in the United States. LGBT is an acronym meaning lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender. The term sometimes is extended to LGBTQIA, to include intersex and asexual groups.
Queer is an umbrella term for non-straight people; intersex refers to those whose sex is not clearly defined because of genetic, hormonal or biological differences; and asexual describes those who don't experience sexual attraction.
We as Christians -- Believers -- have no right to "Play the Blame Game with Non-Believers!" Not when we don't have time for the "Word of God or Prayer!" I won't get into fasting right now!
Evangelicals admit struggling to find time for daily Bible reading and prayer. New research has shed light on the difficulties evangelicals have in making time for their spiritual life! See: https://baptistcourier.com/2006/03/prayer-no-1-issue-in-churches-survey-of-leaders-shows/
In order for today's church to remain strong in the midst of an evil society, it must be a "praying church," said Gary Butler, a survey participant from the Gospel Lighthouse Church in Anadarko, Oklahoma.
"If we as believers -- want to see the same mighty move of God that the early church saw, we must pray just as the early church did. Show me a praying Christian and church and I will show you a victorious Christian and church!"
Here is an excellent article and survey on the top ten issues of the church: https://baptistcourier.com/2006/03/prayer-no-1-issue-in-churches-survey-of-leaders-shows/
1. PRAYER: The need for more ongoing, passionate prayer in both personal and church life.
2. DISCIPLESHIP: The need for involvement of every believer in being continually transformed into the image of Christ.
3. LEADERSHIP: The need for clear, biblical vision and direction by church leaders.
4. EVANGELISM: The decline among Christians in personal sharing of the Gospel.
5. DOCTRINE/WORLDVIEW: The growing pressure to compromise principles to make truths more palatable to an audience. The widening influence of explicitly anti-Christian culture and negative influences on the church.
6. APATHY: The seeming lack of personal interest, support and enthusiasm from the pews for the work of the church.
7. MARRIAGE: The negative effects on families that result from divorce, adultery, pornography, etc.
8. RELEVANCE: The seeming inability of the church to answer questions one has living in the "real world."
9. HOMOSEXUALITY: The rising social pressure to accept same-sex behaviors, marriage and relationships.
10. ABORTION: The church's lack of an effective response to 30-plus years of legalized abortion.