Have you ever watched a bird sleeping on its perch and never falling off? How does it manage to do this?
The secret is in the tendons of the bird's legs. Birds are born with a tendon-locking mechanism. They are so constructed that when the leg is bent at the knee, the claws contract and grip like a steel trap. The claws refuse to let go until the knees are unbent again. The bended knee gives the bird the ability to hold on to his perch so tightly.
Oh, that we would learn to stay on bended knee, holding tightly to our Savior and never letting go! There we can find the strength to keep our footing, a sure
resting place to find joy and peace in Christ! When we seek God and we find Him, there are no worries that keep us enslaved to this world!! Oh, that we would seek God more each day!
The pure joy of knowing that God will always meet us where we are. The ever present unity with God, knowing that he will never leave us, never forsake us. Oh, that we would learn the little birds secrets and stay locked in on bended knee!!
Deuteronomy 4:29-31; 29 But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. 30 When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the LORD thy God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice; 31 (For the LORD thy God is a merciful God;) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them.