It's not very often that we hear about Simeon or Anna, when we talk about the Christmas story... but I believe they are very relevant to the Bible and the times!
While Jesus was still a baby, Joseph and Mary took Him to the Temple. Jewish law required that the parents of a new baby would do certain things to bless the child. Joseph and Mary abode by all the Jewish Laws and they may have come to the Temple twice. Once for Mary's purification on the 40th day after she had given birth and the second time would have been to "present Jesus" as he was the firstborn and by Jewish law belonged to God.
This is when they met Simeon and Anna. (Jesus was probably circumcised on the eighth day, by a rabbi in the village.)
While Joseph and Mary were in the Temple, an older devout and Godly man, named Simeon was in the Temple also. He had been waiting for God's Messiah to come, for a very long time, a Messiah that would come to save His people! God had revealed through the power of the Holy Spirit, directly to Simeon that he would not die until he had seen the Messiah and Jesus is the Messiah, God had told him about.
When Simeon saw Jesus, he knew instantly that this was the Messiah! Simeon took Jesus into his arms and praised God. He said, "Lord, now I can die in peace for I have seen the Savior, that you have given to all people. He is a light to lead the people." Joseph and Mary watched in amazement at what was happening.
Then Simeon told Joseph and Mary that not everyone would accept their son as Savior. He told them that there would be those who would reject Jesus and would not believe that He was sent from God.
So, we see and know that Simeon was not the only one excited to see Jesus, because Anna, a widow until she was 84 years old, never left the Temple area. There she worshiped day and night with fasting and prayers. And, at the time that she saw Simeon was praying, Anna showed up, broke into an anthem of praise to God, and she began to tell the people that the Messiah had come!
Simeon had patiently waited a lifetime for this one moment in time when God fulfilled His promise that he would see the Savior. Anna also waited many years, and while waiting she fasted and prayed, until that moment in time when she knew the Messiah had arrived!
Friends, there will be times when we may want to give up on God... and maybe even give up on waiting for Jesus to return for us, very often it is because we think God doesn't move quickly enough for our thinking or convienence. What we need to remember is thatGod ALWAYS keeps His promises! We also need to be patient, realizing that His timing is always perfect. Simeon and Anna had waited patiently and they saw the promises to them fulfilled!
I too, am waiting... I am watching and anticipating for that one moment in time when our Savior and Lord Jesus will return for us! Yes, soon He will gather all His saints to be with Him in Heaven! The Word of God assures us that the dead in Christ Jesus will rise first to meet him in the skies... then we who remain will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet our Savior, our Lord Jesus and to live with Him forever after!
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
Are you ready to meet Jesus one day? I hope so! Please feel free to contact me if you would like prayer or you would like to know Jesus personally... as your Savior!!