1 PETER 5:7-9
It is said that a lion roars for several reasons; to interact with one another, to declare their territory, and it is one of their tactics to catch and devour their prey.
To catch their prey, the lion crouches and lurks, creeping towards them and when they are just close enough... they let out a loud roar! This startles and confuses the animal, striking fear into them.
It is in those very moments. the animal loses the ability to "think" or "react" and so they are trapped and caught by the lion, who now feasts upon them. It is very similar to the devil, as he seeks to destroy and devour us!
No matter what you are going through, no matter what you are facing in your life. If your frame of mind prevents you from "casting your cares" upon the Lord, it is most likely, the work of the devil as he seeks to destroy your soul.
His work is to simply conceal himself so he can creep up on you. He enjoys whispering into your heart, all the anxieties and worries you hold on to and before you know it, he has you right where he wants you!
This is the time to STOP! Believe me, I have been in your
shoes many times and I've had my own excuses and
I had to learn to STOP my every excuse! This is no time for excuses or blaming someone or something else.
This is the exact moment, when we need to be diligent about God's Word. It is why we must be alert and vigilant, it is our duty, our part to do. We must be sober and able to take command of ourselves, so we can hear the Lord's instructions!
Self-control will make us aware and be steadfast in our faith! We cannot fight without a firm foundation and this is what God's Word and His truth, equips us with. This is the position our soul seeks in order to stand upon the promises of God and against the wiles of Satan!
If we will consider those that went before us, such as Stephen, John the Baptist and Paul, we will be encouraged, when we face our own adversities and problems. By whatever means the devil attacks you, be assured and take comfort that you are not the first to face these same times of trouble.
It is when you learn your weapons of 'spiritual warfare' that you will become a victor and a overcomer in the fight for your own life.
Yes, we are human but we don't fight our battles as humans do. Why would we use the weapons of this world, when we have full use of the weapons of almighty God? With God we can knock down the strongholds of our own reasoning and destroy any and all false arguments!
We can demolish the proud barriers that keep us from knowing God. We can eradicate our own rebellious thoughts and learn to obey God! READ: EPHESIANS 6
My friend, there is a light at the at the end of the tunnel! And, there is a ceasing in your struggles and that is in the Lord, Jesus Christ! He will never leave you alone to fight, He is our 'Commander in Chief' and He loves us and He will fight with and for you and I!
Don't let the enemy rule your thoughts... It's up to us to demolish the negative thoughts, every care and thought that brings us down, every high-and-mighty philosophy that pits itself against the knowledge of GOD!
It's time to take every thought, every emotion prisoner, and
subdue them into obedience to Christ Jesus! I have repeated
the verse below over and over again until my mind is at
peace because I've given all my anxieties to the Lord!
"Casting down imaginations, and every high
thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and
bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience
of Christ...
Praise God! We don't ever have to stay defeated! We don't ever have to surrender to the enemy!! We can have victory, right here and now!!
Friend, when you are in this mighty jungle of life, the lion sleeps tonight, because, Jesus Christ will lead us
through any battle you may face, VICTOROUSLY!
I Will Cast All My Cares Upon You - Kelly Willard