Seven Secrets of a Champion - #5
- Author Pastor Clark Beiler
5. He Stays on the Narrow Path
A runner does not need or want a broad road. He chooses a narrow line on which to run and win! The shortest distance between the starting line and the finish line is the narrow path marked out for each runner. If he wanders outside that narrow path, he only loses time and will no doubt lose the race. The broad road is for spectators who are not in the race. They have nothing to win because they are indulging in the pleasures of this world. "Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; and make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed."Hebrews 12:12,13
There are so many paths to choose. It is very easy to accept small compromises in life and think little of them. A champion recognizes that it is the small variations from the line that are the price of victory.
As I watched the Winter Olympics, it was fascinating to hear the observations of experts in the sport point out how small variations on the line that was being taken cost the athlete a few tenths or hundredths of a second. Yet at the end of the competition, the winner was determined by just those small factors. It was the ability of the Champions to identify and maintain the course that set them apart and brought them victory.
For those of who are old enough to remember the NASA voyages to the moon, there were always in flight corrections that had to be made. Even the slight variations could cause the flight to miss its mark. These could cause the mission to fail and even potentially cost the lives of the astronauts. We remember with sadness the failure of the O Rings on the Challenger flight.
Small things can make a great difference between being a champion and just another runner. Let us learn to listen to the still small voice within. Stick to the path that the Lord of our lives has laid out for us to run. Do not become weary in doing what is right and good. There is a prize of righteousness that is laid up for us. There are rewards in this life and in the life to come if we will run the race as He has directed us to do.
Don't compromise your convictions, even in the small things. Small variations now can easily lead us to be far off course at the end of the race. God is faithful to us. He will not forget your labor and devotion to Him. He will keep His covenant with us as we are faithful to Him. Take the course of a champion. Follow the straight path. You will not be disappointed!
Seven Secrets of a Champion - #6 Tomorrow