"The Sermon On the Mount."
Suddenly it hit me as I read verse 6, and I knew I would be "Forever Hungry and Thirsty after RIGHTEOUSNESS!"
And so here I am... once again to share JESUS with
each of YOU!!
Matthew 5:1-2
And so I thought I would start by sharing what Jesus was
teaching to the multitude that day. The 'Sermon on the Mount" contains a revelation of God's principles of righteousness by which all Christians should live through our
faith in the Son of God. (Galatians 5:20-21) and through the power of the indwelling Spirit (Rom. 8:2-14 & Gal. 5:16-25).
All of us belonging to the Kingdom of God are to have an intense hunger and thirst for the righteousness taught in Christ's sermon.
So, I'm going to attempt to break it down and take a closer
look at just what Jesus was teaching each of us.
BLESSED ARE THE POOR IN SPIRIT: for theirs is the kingdom
of heaven.
The word "blessed" refers to the well-being of
those who, because of their relationship to Christ and His
Word, receive God's kingdom, including love, care, salvation, and daily presence. What love is there in being joyfully
There are certain requirements if we wish to receive the blessings of God's kingdom; we must be guided by God's ways and values revealed in Scripture and not by the ways and values of this world.
The first of these requirements is to be "poor in spirit." That is, we must recognize that we are not spiritually self-sufficient; we need the Holy Spirit's life, power and sustaining grace in order to inherit the kingdom of God.
BLESSED ARE THEY THAT MOURN: for they shall be comforted.
To "mourn" is to grieve over our own weakness in relation to God's standard of righteousness and kingdom power. It is
also to "mourn" over the things that grieve God, to have our feelings in sympathy with the feelings of God, and to be afflicted in our spirit over sin, immorality, and cruelty manifested in the world (LUKE 19:41). Those who mourn are comforted by receiving from the Father "righteousness and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost!" (ROMANS 14:17)
BELOW: For Those Tears I Died