For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. James 4:15
Who could have ever imagined that on a beautiful, clear blue sky day... that it would be marred by a cowardly terroristic attack? Not me! I learned after 9/11 that my younger brother was in NY on that day... and only a few blocks from the World Trade Center. He had been in towers only the morning before... that's when I realized... it could have been anyone of us dealing with such a tragic event!
It is so important for us to place our daily activities into God's hands. We need to pray and seek the Lord's will before we face our days. It may or may not prevent us from being in harm's way... but at least we know we would be walking in the spirit and not just our fleshly desires. It is equally important for us to follow laws that are there to protect us. I was told of a security officer that worked in a place that required "clip on ties". This particular security guard thought they looked cheap and after a while began to wear a regular tie to his job. One day he encountered a hostile intruder... who was able to choke him to death by just pulling on his tie. That's a horrible way to learn to follow instructions, rules and laws.
These people were innocent... they just went to work and still they encountered evil in it's truest form. I know that many lives were spared... Christian and non Christian... but many were lost as well. Many faced decisions... that we can't even think of as an alternative to what they were facing... but they found that jumping over a hundred stories or pushing a cart down an airplaine isle to stop the attacks... was the lesser of two evils.
It has been 11 years since that frightful day... we must never forget it. We must make it a memory that instills in us our need for God to direct and help us through our days. If you don't have a daily relationship with him... how will you respond in a dangerous situation. Now is the time to trust the Lord... Now is the time to ask him to guide you in your daily activities... after all... you may not have the chance in a moment of terror.
I will remember the heros... those who died... and the family members... that will forever be changed on that diabolical day. I will also remember the men and women who fought for our country to stop that evil. I will also remember to seek God before my days begin... and trust him to guide me through each of them. I hope you will also.