Do you wonder why this little chick would stay outside the warmth and comfort of its mothers wings? Why it would choose to be alone, rather than being snuggled up... beside siblings that look tickled pink and contented?
There was a time when I chose to be outside the comfort and protection of my Lord and Savior. I was living in a world that projected itself as "having it all"... where one could only be happy... if they were drinking, doping or lusting. I found it to be completely vulgar... filled with deplorable ideas and beliefs. I was never contented or satisfied... and there was a deep longing for genuine and infallible love.
The song, "His Eye is on the Sparrow" has a whole new meaning to me now. Jesus was there watching and waiting for me to come home. I may have stepped outside his protection and authority... but he has ALWAYS been close by... with his eyes upon me. All the times I was wandering and searching for love and true peace of mind... he was there. He held the answers that would satisfy my every longing and so much more.
Now, I find myself feathered in comfort as I nestle myself in His lovingkindness. I am content and I am more than happy... I have real joy within my soul and that joy is Jesus.
Do you know Jesus, my friend?