These are just a few of my favorite Bible verses and there are five little words that are deemed most important to me and they are, "...That He Might Be Glorified." Everything I do as a Christian should be tethered to the idea that I extol and I give praise to Christ Jesus our Lord so that He alone is Glorified!
As a result of that belief, I take every prayer request very seriously, and yet there are times when some petitions demand specific answers. One such answer was needed for a very loved young couple, married twelve years, who longed for a baby.
They're unfeigned request seemed to burn in my heart and I was determined to storm the gates of heaven and ask God for an answer. As I began to pray one evening, it wasn't long before I realized I was in a spiritual battle!
Candid and straightforward pleas were met with opposition and resistance, as my prayers drifted upwards towards the "Throne Room of God"! Perseverance and conflict pursued through the night hours as I sought the Lord for answers.
(For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12)
It seemed I wrestled with spiritual forces throughout the night, and then in the early morning hours the angels in heaven delivered the answer with a simple "Yes, a baby boy was on the way with realization to November 2016".
God, seeing the immense yearning of His people (other ladies were also praying for this couple) revealed His power and love for Kerry and Brandi in giving them the deepest desires of their hearts!
As the Lord our God called forth Sawyer Allen Spivey with "His breath of life;" Sawyer became a living soul. Still, by some strange and unknown reason I knew that this little baby boy would be an enduring and indelible blessing to his mother, his father, and so many others, including myself!!
I discerned the angels in heaven as they broke out fervently in singing and in praises, giving "ALL the Glory, Honor and Praise to God, for "He alone by His power and love brings forth, sustains and creates all life"! God had now declared life where no life had been before!
The "Miracle of Sawyer and ALL Life" totally exists and resides in God's hands alone!! He absolutely holds the "Power and the Secrets of the Universe and all of His creations"!! One of these secrets is to put our lives in God's hands and trust Him fully and completely... lock, stock and barrel!
God lovingly gave Sawyer life as a reminder to each of us, that "He alone is The Great I AM - He Alone Is the AUTHOR of LIFE"!! Sawyer was now on a mission from heaven "an assignment that came with great joy and even greater sadness for so many"!!
I'm sure I wasn't alone when I asked God, "WHY"!! Why did Sawyer's calling suddenly change to "an appointment of harsh realities" as we learned that his tiny heartbeat had stopped!!
So many lives felt the crushing impact of his death, particularly when his delivery was only a month away. Still, I knew we had to believe and trust that God knows what is best for ALL His children!
It's been months and now I believe God is revealing what Sawyer's mission was and still is... and it is a most powerful message for all of us right now!
Sawyer's Sermon;
"Proclaim your praise to God with devotion and gratitude singing songs of acclamation and appreciation on both sides of your battles"!!
It takes an unwavering faith to overcome the doubts and fears in these, our earthen vessels of flesh! The "battles of our lives" are fought on the "testing fields of faith and trust" and our belief in God alone!
This world has nothing to offer lost souls, who go through life feeling hopeless and weary everyday! In retrospect, God is seeking a "holy people with a faith-filled and doubtless testimony" that will give ALL the glory to Him alone!!
When the Israelite's left Egypt, they found they were hemmed in by the Red Sea and the mountains. They cried out to Moses, "Why did you bring us here to die?" See: Exodus 14:11,12
They had just seen how miraculously the Lord delivered them from Egypt, but all they did was complain "they didn't trust and they lacked faith" and they were ready to go back to slavery! Still, God in His infinite mercy delivered them once again when He rolled back the waters of the sea so they could come across on dry land.
It wasn't until they were on the "other side of their battle" that they began to sing and dance. (See Exodus 15:20,21)
The Lord wants us to know that He is able to do more than anything we can dream or think of!! He also wants us to trust HIM on both sides of our battles!!
Jesus is on all sides of our suffering, He is there at the start assuring us He will not leave or forsake us (See: Hebrews 13:5). He is there as we walk through the pain and agony of the situation,(See: Isaiah 43:2) And, Jesus is with us even unto the end of the world (See: Matthew 28:20)
So, when we sincerely "take hold of the Lord Jesus Christ, losing all our doubts while expanding our faith in Him" as the Holy Spirit teaches, we too will possess the joy and bliss that comes with living and serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Sawyer never took a breath this side of heaven and yet his mission holds and his message is strong, clear and so very concise! "Our delight and our pleasures reside in trusting and believing God completely on ALL sides of our JOY and YES, our SORROWS!!
Will we be like the Israelite's who complained and eclipsed what only God could do on both sides of the Red Sea?? God had rolled back the sea so they could travel on dry ground... and then God spoke and the waters not only came together, they took down the enemy!
Or will we believe God can restore that which was lost and make life even more amazing?? I totally believe that... more now more than ever before... "we need to declare our trust and put our faith absolutely in God and His Holy Word!"
Told with Permission from Kerry and Brandi!
Sawyer has taught me to sing praises even through the daily battle of harsh pain and loneliness from my auto-immune diseases. I must admit, it was alot easier to Praise God when I wasn't saddled down with the realities of Lupus, Sjogrens, Psoriatic, RA & Osteo Arthritis.
Still, I am learning to Praise God in the midst of my diseases even though they are so much more prominent and intrusive! Why?? One simple reason; ..."That He Might Be Glorified"!!
Please: Join me in continued prayer for Kerry & Brandi as they walk through this most personal trial! AND YES, Let's pray that God once more would give them the desires of their hearts. I believe that God is Willing to Bless them... If we are willing to PRAY for them!!