Genesis 2:2
Don't you love your full days... the kind where you say, "I worked my fingers to the bone." And, at the end of the day... although your body was fatigued and sore... you had this great sense of accomplishment that meant more than the exhaustion and pain that you were feeling. You might even stand back and admire the work you had been doing ALL day and you were just so relieved and pleased with the fact that it was done!
To rest is to settle back and be refreshed... so tonight when you go to lie down... "keep yourself nuzzled in God's love"... and ponder everything you were able to accomplish. Thank him for the very energy and good health that he has given you... to achieve the
the days responsibilities. Thank him for all your abilities and talents that he has given you.
When we spend time "thanking God"... we can feel the spirit of God lift us into those heavenly places... and we can drift off to a slumber... that satisfies the body and soul.
G'nite... sleep well!