He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
PSALM 91:4
It is when life becomes dangerous and hard that protection is needed. It is then that the mother hen gathers her chicks and covers them with her wings. So in our lives, it is in the midst of the trials that God gathers us close and protects us in the refuge of "His wings!"
When you visualize a magnificent flying bird, it us usually not a chicken that comes to mind, as you've never seen a chicken depicted in flight--many eagles, but no chickens.
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
ISAIAH 40:31
Above, Isaiah is talking about being held up on the wings of eagles or with wings like eagles. There is a contrast, however between being "on" His wings and being "under His wings.
This promise in PSALM 91 is not elaborating on the flying wing, but on the sheltering wing. One reveals strength and accomplishment, while the other signifies protection and familiarity.
When you picture the warmth of a nest and the security of being under the wings of the nurturing love of a mother hen with her chicks, it paints a vivid and powerful picture of the sheltering wing of God's protection that the psalmist refers to in this passage.
Is everyone protected under the wings? Did you notice it says He will cover you with His pinions (feathers), and under His wings, you may seek refuge? Again, it's up to us to make that decision! We can seek refuge under His wings, if we choose to as Jesus proclaimed to the stiff-necked religious leaders.
"Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem... How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling."
Notice the disparity between His willingness and our unwillingness... His wanting to against our not willing to... His would against our would not. What an fascinating analogy to show us theologically that there is protection offered that we don't accept.
Often we fail to see... that God is deeply committed to us--yet, at the same time, we can reject His outstretched arms if we so choose!
Think about "Praying Out Loud:" Lord, help my heart to be willing to run to You in faith every time trouble or danger presents itself. May I choose to seek the refuge that You have made available to me. In the Precious Name of Jesus. Amen. (You might even delight in praying the complete chapter of PSALM 91.)
BELOW: You Can Find Refuge Under the Wings of God's Love for You!
AND: Darlene Zschech Singing: "Shawdow of Your Wings"