Mark 9:42 (KJV)
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth the rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:45 (KJV)
Has anyone ever asked you a question that shook you up??
Questions such as; "Why would God allow a pedophile to get away with his actions or, why does He allow a young child to die from cancer"? Even more simply, "Why do bad things happen to good people"?
I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and the following is how I stand in God's favor and restorative powers! I have the support of my Gods, unstoppable, invincible, countenance in my life! Everywhere I go -- My God goes with me!!
Different people have contrasting answers, however more often than not we are dazed and speechless by the actual questioning. Remarkably, people will withdraw and nullify the subject at hand!
Still, I've wondered just "What does God say about these kind of sentiments and inquiries"?
Do we risk becoming those "bizarre and foolish Christians" when we try to respond according to God's Word?? Or does courage suddenly motivate us to state our values and beliefs?
When God created this world He never intended for sinful and immoral brutalities and atrocities to ensue. And, God at no time nor in any way savors or takes pleasure in the pain we may experience.
Neither does he take joy in criminals and perpetrators getting away with doing their evil deeds. This world collapsed and became deplorable when sin entered the heart of man!
Still, I have faith, that one day God will "right the wrongs, and amend the atrocities" that have wreaked havoc upon the innocent. I believe with all my heart that God is in control and one day He will declare justice to every man, woman or child who has endured the hideous and heinous acts that were inflicted upon them.
So should someone dare to ask you a question about a God who doesn't seem to care about what happens to the innocent, take hold of your God-given courage, and answer, "God never intended wickedness to reign on earth, and He is still in control.
You can be sure that one day His justice will be served accordingly"!