How many of us have a place that brings us "Perfect Peace?" Where do you go when you need "Perfect Peace?"
I know that there are special places that we all have found that bring us peace, such as sitting on the sandy shores of the ocean and listening to the waves crash. Or maybe you like to hike a trail up to the highest point of a mountain top, find a big old rock to sit on and look down upon God's creations.
However, there are times when being by the ocean's side or standing at the top of a mountain is anything but peaceful! There was that powerful undersea earthquake that struck off the coast of Sumatra Island, setting off the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, also known as the Christmas Day tsunami on a Sunday morning, December 26, 2004.
This quake caused the ocean floor to suddenly rise by as much as 40 meters or 131 feet triggering a massive tsunami. "Within 20 minutes of the earthquake, the first of several 100-foot waves" hit the beautiful shoreline of Banda Aceh, killing more than 100,000 people and pounding that city into rubble.
Then, in succession, tsunami waves rolled over coastlines in Thailand, India and Sri Lanka, killing tens of thousands more. I also remember the Tsunami that roared ashore in Indonesia, because "a giant chunk of a mountainside broke loose" during a volcanic eruption, falling into the water and causing powerful waves that unleashed a huge disaster on the people that Christmas day in 2018.
These poor people went from happiness, joy and a peaceful holiday to mind-boggling dread and panic, for most it was ultimately their final hours of the day, and the last calm or peace they would ever know.
For the survivors, most were in shock, terror-stricken, and helplessly calling out for loved ones. Everything they had known was gone, many were alone and afraid, not one comforting word would touch them and peace was
nowhere to be found.
That "could never happen to me" is what most people like to say and think when they hear of this kind of dreadful event.
But my friends, it can happen to anyone!
Still, I have to wonder was there "peace for anyone" who was near this horrible disaster?
I learned that peace did exist for the natives of the islands. They were aware of Tsunamis or Big Waves and had been instructed down through the generations to swim to deep waters or run to the top of the mountain, and that is exactly what they did and how most of them survived.
The Moken were the natives of these islands and the tribe's chief, Salama was shouting warnings to the park staff and tourists. "This is Laboon" he shouted, "Laboon is an ancient thing that has swallowed whole islands before!"
Having knowledge of the "Laboon or the BIG Wave" had
been passed down for thousands of years throughout the generations of Moken living closely to the ocean. The Moken people were "immersed in the water learning to swim before they could walk." They knew that should a "laboon or big wave" come to their islands and they would need to either swim out to deep waters or go to the mountain top.
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you, Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
JOHN 14:27
When we know the Lord our God when we know His Word,
and when we know where to go, and what to do in times of trials and adversities we "Can Have Peace!" The enemy would like nothing better than to tear us apart when "difficulties" come to us.
I am telling you there is a "deep peace to be found in Jesus" and when we learn to be in His presence during the good times, we will know "how to be in His presence in times of catastrophe!"
We most definitely need to know "God's Word" and "Being in His Presence!" The Word of God says: These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will
send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring
all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have
said unto you.
JOHN 14:25-26
Jesus told these things while he was still on earth. He
promised that His Father would send a comforter, an aider when Jesus would leave them to go back to His Father, and this comforter who is the Holy Spirit would teach us many things as well as remind us of everything that Jesus himself has told us in God's Word!
Jesus left us with the gift of the Holy Spirit who brings us wisdom, understanding, peace of mind and peace in
our hearts! Jesus also promised that while He
was leaving us, He would come back for us.
If our love for Jesus is strong, we will believe the things
He told us before they happen so that when they do
happen, we will not just believe, but we will have the
"peace that only He gives!"
I pray that your relationship with God, a relationship where you enter into His presence daily, will bring you "His peace" that will carry you through anything this world can throw at you!
I would rather go through the storm with JESUS...
Than SAIL through life without Him!