Matthew 7:14
Let me tell you about a little boy who picked up a vase that his mother had placed on a side table for just a few moments. The mother heard her little boy crying and when she turned around and walked towards him she realized he had his hand caught in the vase... and it looked like it was stuck. She tried pulling on the vase... then pulling on his arm... but it would not budge. How was she to get his hand out?
She quickly called for the boy's father... and after he tried to tug the vase and then the hand of the little boy... he finally decided it would be best to just break the vase. However, the little boys mother was afraid the broken vase might cause a cut... and this vase had been her mothers. The father knew if all else failed... there would be no other options.

If we truly desire a close relationship with the Lord... it is important that we let go of earthly things. We can't come with our fists closed and expect to take hold of the "Hand of God!" We will be just like the little boy... whose hand was stuck in a vase. When we make a choice to serve the Lord... it is similar to a wedding vow... we forsake all others and we give up those things that would draw us apart.
Do you remember the story that Jesus told... it was the parable of the rich man who wanted to build bigger barns to store his grain and goods? But, God said to him, "You fool! This night your life will be demanded from you... then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?" So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich towards God. Luke 12:16-21
We all need to be on guard... or the things we own... will begin to own us! When we clench our fists... we become prisoners of "things!" Material things that will just collect dust... fade away... or break down. I know I've said this before... but it is so important for us to keep our heart and minds on Jesus. He gave all to assure us a pathway to heaven... so guarding our hearts is a must.
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:21
Will you open your fists to the hand of God?