That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Phillippians 2:10-11 (KJV)
On Bended Knees!
I'm amazed that God is so mindful of me.
That His cleansing blood flows so fully and free.
For, who am I and where would I be...??
If it weren't for my Lord, who intercedes for me!
God's Word assures me, Jesus Hears my cries.
He's an awesome God, who wipes all tears from my eyes!
With His ears inclined, and with His eyes... He does see.
When I kneel to seek Him... on bended knees!
In His gentle pursuit... He seeks me and you.
Concerned, He just asks us... to be Christ like and true!
Lavishly and fully... He gives ear to our pleas.
What pleasure He profits from... our bended knees!
Unworthy of mercy and all of His grace...
I seek Him in prayer... for just a glimpse of His face!
A place in His kingdom is offered to me.
Oh' that I'd seek Him more truly... on bended knees!
When deeply in prayer, I find His glory abounds.
His love so sufficient... my mind it confounds!
All that I am, and all I can be...
Can only be established... on my bended knees!
Without doubt God knows absolutely, just who I am.
His arms opened wide... my life in his hands.
O' the wonders of heaven that I would see...
If I'd seek Him more often... on bended knees!
It's me again Lord... I'm facing something significantly new.
Physical infirmities have me doubting what I should do!
You have told me to ask and I would receive...
So here once again... I'm on bended knees!
Not just seeking freedom from my strife...
But, I've a hunger to know You and Your will for my life!
Dear Lord Jesus, I have but just one plea...
To pursue you, to entreat you... on my bended knees!
Judy's Jots © 2017, 2018 -
(My Apologies & My Thanks for Those Asking - I'm Now Back Online After A Server Error!)