I believe that when we stand Up for America we are truly "Standing Up for God" simply because of the blessings that He has bestowed upon us as a society! Our Nation became great because at one time, we were governed by God and His Holy Word...the Bible!
Through God's Word and His love we have everything that we need to make America what it once was! Even the agnostic or atheist has the right to be a non-believer, because God would never force Himself on any of us!
"No Election" will ever be equal to or be able to do "What God Can Do" so right now this is my prayer;
- Dear Lord Jesus, please have mercy on America and your people for the wickedness that has transpired in our churches. Bring us to our knees once more to seek your face and to bring us back to genuine humility, gentleness of spirit and respect for ALL that you have done for us! Forgive our iniquities and let Your Glory shine through the daily activities of our lives. Forgive us for the sin of abortion... let us call it what it is, MURDER... Forgive us for the sin of homosexuality, remind us that it is an ABOMINATION to You... Forgive us for the sins of MATERIALISM and the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR...for we have made them our gods here on earth... Forgive us for ILLICIT DRUG use... it is truly demonic enchantment... Forgive us for SEX OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE... for it is fornication...Forgive us for IMMORALITY, CRIMINALITY, DEPRAVITY and CORRUPTION and Lord Jesus please forgive us for allowing television programming that promotes EVIL, WICKEDNESS and DEMONIC MENTAL IMAGES into our homes! Help us Lord to SEE THE TRUTH because we are nothing without YOUR PURITY and YOU, OH GOD!! I ask this all in the precious name of JESUS CHRIST and because His death on the cross has ALL THE POWER NEEDED TO FORGIVE US OUR SINS! Amen.
I am not worried about who will be elected for the following reasons:
- No matter who is Elected... I am protected!
- My Hope is in Jesus Christ... Lord of Lords & King of Kings!
- My Courage is in Jesus Christ... He has Overcome this World!
- My Way to a Better World... Is through the Cross of Jesus Christ!
- My Peace in this World...Comes from the Lord Jesus Alone!
- My Calm is knowing... JESUS HAS IT ALL UNDER CONTROL!!
- No matter who is Elected... I am protected in Christ my Lord!!