Memorial Day is a time to reflect and remember those who lost their lives in service to our country! It is a solemn holiday, intended to honor those veterans who have died while serving.
On Memorial Day, the veteran you might talk to may be going through a bit of melancholy, remembering those who walked into combat with them... but had to be carried out.
There will be friends who are still suffering the loss of their loved one, so it would be a good time to remember them with kindness and your support!
Just as Jesus Christ laid down His life for our sins, these men and women laid down their lives so that we would have the freedom to worship Him!
Say a prayer for those who have fought and those who are still fighting to preserve the wonderful privileges we have by living in these United States of America!!
I would like to personally acknowledge:
My Father:
Lyle W. Myers, Sr.
United States Navy - WWII
Lyle W. Myers, Jr.
United States Air Forces & Air Force Reserve
Christopher Paul Weltin - Security Forces
Awards in: Air Mobility Rodeo
United States Air Force - 1995 to 1999
Honorable Discharge
James Michael Weltin
United States Air Force - 2002 to 2012
Served in:
2008: 1 0f 12 Outstanding Airmen in the World
Honorable Disabled Veteran Discharge