Jeremiah 17:8 (KJV)
They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit. Jeremiah 17:8 (NLT)
A Sycamore tree usually grows near streams or river banks. It has a root system known as a "heart root". The roots emerge from a "heart-shaped" area directly beneath the trunk. It can withstand wind, heat, and drought conditions... but only when it becomes deeply established into the soil. You may also see large roots at the surface area... these roots spread out to take in needed oxygen.
I like the picture of a "heart root system"... because that is where we can plant our roots in Jesus. To know that my life is securely planted into the heart of God... brings an assurance and a security that is priceless.
In the scriptures above... Jeremiah is speaking to a man whose trust and hope is in the Lord. More than being prophetical here I find that Jeremiah is being practical. He is telling us that we can stand strong when we face intense storms... we can endure the forceful winds or consuming heat. We can persevere in the barren and dry periods of life... IF we establish our own root sytem in the Lord Jesus. Sometimes we will be forced to bend... and give... and it may hurt but it will make us even stronger if we are ingrained in our relationship with the Lord.
I learned that it is the unique and God given structure, that enables the palm tree to withstand the high windy conditions year after year. Compared to the average tree the palms lose their leaves much easier than a tree loses its branches. Once the leaves are gone there isn't much left to catch the wind.
The palm tree also has a very flexible trunk and shallow-yet-regenerative root system as compared to a more "sturdy" tree such as an oak. This allows the palm to bend and sway with the wind. The shallow, thinner roots allow a palm to be blown down and quickly rebuild a root structure again.
If God made a way for the palm tree to have another chance at life... we can be sure that He alone has made the provision for us... his children to live again. We too can have our hearts and souls regenerated when we sin... by God's mercy and grace. We can always come to God and tell him we are sorry for our sins. He will forgive us and Jesus blood will cleanse us once more. His mercy's are new every morning because of his great love for us!