A girl in love asked her boyfriend, "Tell me, who do you love most in this world?" "Why you, of course," he replied. With-out any hesitation his girlfriend then asked, "Tell me, in your heart of hearts... what am I to you?
The young man thought for a moment and then he looked intently into her eyes and said, "You are my rib. In the Bible, it was said that God took one of Adam's ribs and created Eve. Every man has been searching for his missing rib. Only when you find the your soul mate, will you no longer feel a lingering ache in your heart."
After their wedding, the couple had a sweet and happy life... for a while. However, the youthful couple began to drift apart due to the busy schedule of life and the never ending worries of daily problems. Their life soon became mundane.
All to soon, the challenges posed by the harsh realities of life began to gnaw away at their dreams and love for each other. The couple began to have more quarrels and each quarrel became more heated.
One day, after a particularly bitter quarrel the girl ran out of the house. At the opposite side of the road she shouted, "You don't really love me!" The boy hated her childishness and out of impulse retorted, "I believe it was a mistake for us to be together! You were never my missing rib!!"
Suddenly she turned quiet and just stood there for a long while. He regretted what he had said, but words spoken are like thrown away water -- you can never take them back. With tears she went back into the house, to pack her things and leave.
Before she left the house the girl asked, "If I'm really not your missing rib, then I will go." She went on, "It is less painful this way. We can go on our separate ways and search until we find our missing rib -- our soul mates." The young boy said nothing as he watched her slip out the door.
Five years went by. He never remarried but he had tried to find out about her life indirectly. She had left the country and came back. She had married a foreigner but divorced him within a year. He felt heartbroken that she never came back to him. In the dark and lonely night, he felt a large lingering ache in his heart. However, he couldn't bring himself to admit that he was missing her.
One day they happened to meet at the airport. He was going on a business trip. She was headed to New York to visit with family and friends.
She smiled warmly at him and then the boy asked, "How are you?" She replied, "I'm fine. How about you. Have you found your missing rib?" Sadly he admitted, "No." Then she said, "I'll be flying to New York on the next flight. But, I'll be back in two weeks time. Would you call me when you get back? Then still smiling, she turned around and waved good-bye.
One week later he got a phone call -- she had perished in New York in an event that had shocked the world. Once again, he felt the lingering ache in his heart. He finally knew without any doubts... that she was the missing rib that he had so carelessly tossed aside.
- Author Unknown
As Christians our love needs to exceed the expectations of this world. God's Word tells us to love each other the way Christ loved us (John 15:12) and it tells husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church and died for it (Ephesians 5:25).
Wives, when you understand, support and submit to your husbands, you are actually honoring and doing all of this, as unto Christ. Everything you say and do must be thought out and designed to bring peace, faith and joy to your home!
Husbands you are called to provide leadership, just as Christ does for the church. You are to lead by cherishing -- not by domineering. As Christ gave all for the church... so should you give your all for your wife. Everything you say and do must be fashioned to bring out her highest and finest attributes!
Always remember: Love never gives up... love never dies... love cares more for others than for self,.. love doesn't want what it doesn't have... love doesn't strut... love doesn't have a swelled head... love doesn't force itself on others... love isn't always "me first"... love doesn't fly off the handle... love doesn't revel when others grovel and love takes pleasure in truth. (See: 1 Corinthians 13:1 )
Love trusts God always... love always looks for the best and love never looks back, it keeps going to the end. Most importantly... Love will never die... if we care for it the way Christ cares for us!
Love is an offering of one to another... and to love absolutely is to honor God.
As I wrote this blog... I saw my need to love more frequently, more completely and more tenderly. I pray that God will develop and instill more of His love within me, so that I may genuinely share it with my spouse and everyone I come in contact with!