GENESIS 2:16-17
Have you ever wondered "why" God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil smack in the middle of the garden? Many people have this question, "Why would God put the tree there if he didn't want them to eat it?"
Absolute truth will only be known to us when we meet Jesus, here or in the air. However, I am a simple woman and to me it comes right down to plain and simple reasoning and logic.
Therefore, I will give you a simple mother's analysis that is easily fundamental reasoning and plain old basic truth. And this takes me back to a plaque that my mom had in our kitchen which read: "No matter where I serve my guests; it seems they like my kitchen best!"
In our home the kitchen was a place where family and friends gathered to have coffee and homemade treats. As children, we would also gather throughout the day for meals and on occasional evenings to play board games at the kitchen table.
When we were little, and whenever we entered the kitchen and my mother was cooking, she would always say for obvious reasons, "Don't go near the stove or oven!" This was also something I would say to my boys.
However I had a curious and inquisitive second born child who was a lot like me and he had to 'KNOW WHY' about everything and by any means. One day just as he was about to TOUCH the stove top, I caught his hand and tapped it saying, "NO!"
I then picked him up, showed him the red hot electric burners, and hovered his hand well above them and let him feel the heat that was rising. I then explained that if he could hardly bear the heat in the air above the burner, what did he think would happen if he actually touched the stove top??
It was a cure all for my little guy, subsequently he would tell any playmates that were in the house, "Never touch the stove!"
Now, this may be a very elementary answer inasmuch as
we are considering why God put the tree in the garden...
but to me it's the parental figure that knows why and the
child's answer to "know why we need to be obedient!"
The lack of obedience in our world today, has turned our uncomplicated way of living and thinking into a very unclear
and complex array of absurdity an foolishness.
We are coaching and training children to believe life is what
they want it to be... and not what it legitimately and
honestly is! It's no wonder children are questioning and inquiring about their own sexuality, when they are asked
what their preference is.
This world is lost and I genuinely believe it's because we
have chosen to be disobedient to what God's Word
says. The Bible is not just a book, it is full of instructions
on how we are to live if we want a fulfilling and
successful life!
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove
what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect,
will of God.
All scripture is given by inspiration of GOD, and is profitable
for doctrine, for reproof for correction for instruction
in righteousness. That the man of God may be
perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17