Do you remember that momentous time in your life when you held the hand of your first love or the incredible hour you grasped and cradled the hand of your first baby! I most assuredly do!
However, the most meaningful and memorable hand I ever drew hold of was that remarkable, cherished and beloved hand of Jesus Christ! I was only five years old yet I can call to mind the age old pew, I was sitting in and the fervor and enthusiasm I felt at my first "Vacation Bible School" service in our little white church in the back country.
Throughout my life I carried and fixed my eyes towards heaven absolutely sure that Jesus loved and would always care for me!
Childhood fears were tucked tightly into the hands of Jesus, for He was my undeniable and unmitigated help for all those juvenile insecurities!
Those years carried me through tough times to say the least and they still serve and provide present day help! My auto-immune diseases present symptoms I could never plow through on my own or defeat correctly! Family struggles and warfare are out of my hands and I need to consistently and continually place them in my heavenly father's hands!
I must rely totally upon God's Word for my daily needs and the physical symptoms and deviations from any sense of normalcy in my life! To know how much the Lord loves and cares for me and you is marvelous!
No matter what you or I face we don't have to go it alone!! If God sees the sparrow that falls how much more is he attentive to our needs?? My God is everything to me and the entirety of our lives is in His hands!!
If you need help for anything take hold of the strongest and truly loving hands of Jesus!! He won't fail you and He will never forsake you!!!
For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, "Fear Not: I will help thee. Isaiah 41:13 (KJV)
So, hold my hand Lord Jesus! Walk me through loneliness... and the valleys of my life. Stay close... hold on to me when I think of what tomorrow may bring. When I am in pain and to weary to go on... when breathing is difficult... when my body is weak... Lord please continue to hold my hand through those long dark night hours until I absolutely see the light of dawn... the light of your dawning Lord Jesus! And until then... please just keep holding my hand! Amen & Amen!