I went to my doctor yesterday... and the blood test's confirmed the inflammation and pain indicators were up. My Sed-Rate which they would like to see around 25-30 at this point is over 100... 127 to be exact. My CRP which they would like to see around 1-3 was 17. So we are not sure how much the Chemotherapy is working... but, we have to consider what the numbers would be... if I was not taking the Chemo once weekly.
I am learning how to deal with this pain on a daily basis... some days are easier then others. Then there are times... when I go to Jesus and say, "I don't know how to handle this... I don't think I can do this any longer." As I lose myself in prayer... Jesus begins to speak to my heart... and the Holy Spirit ministers to my body... and I no longer think of just me. I am able to align myself with the scriptures... that this is an affliction but for a moment. I look to the things I can not see... the eternal things... my home in heaven that Jesus is preparing for me.
I am reminded... this body is not my own... it is the Temple of the Lord Jesus. I walk and live in Him... and I must allow Him to walk and live in me. There is nothing I can do without my Lord Jesus... and I have slowly learned... to give Him ALL the controls of my life. It is then that I am renewed and I am able to Glory in my Lord. To sit in His presence and just soak in His Love... His Healing and His peace.
Whatever your battle... be it physical, emotional or spiritual. Or it may be a financial need, worries that over take you... or a sin that you seem to have no power over... whatever it is... give it to Jesus. Tell Him you can't deal with it... then walk away from it... leave it with Him... and don't try to snatch it back. Who are we to think we might be able to do... what God doesn't seem to be doing? I have learned HE is working... just not the way I thought it was going to be.... HE is doing something greater and with more purpose!
I know this doesn't come naturally to most of us... but we must learn to walk deeper in our trust and our faith in Jesus. We must let Him complete the work and the plan that He has for our lives. When we do this... He is faithful to be ALL that we need! I find the best way to achieve this... is just to take time to PRAISE and WORSHIP the Lord... you would be surprised to learn the power that is in Praise and Worship!
God bless and keep you in His Care!!