MARK 9:35
A newborn bee starts in life as a larva and does nothing but eat. In a short time, the bee leaves the larva stage, breaks out of its cell, and begins immediately helping other bees.
The bee no longer has anyone to feed it, but now it feeds and provides for others. It goes quickly from being ministered to ministering to others.
In this way, bees are a lot wiser than believers!
As believers, we tend to get into a mode of expecting others to minister to us, and our effectiveness for God is hindered when we should be free, forget about our needs, and minister to the needs of others.
Forget about having others love you - you love others. Forget about having others reach out to you - you reach out to others.
Forget about having others bless you - you bless others.
In doing for others for others, only then can we attain the maturity; that the Bible speaks of in Mark 9.
It is time for maturity!
It is time to grow up,and fulfill our calling, and conform to His image. It all begins when you break out of the "larva cell."
Love is a verb; it acts out of Christ's love for us; Christ Jesus gave everything for each of us; before we even knew Him.
JUST FOR TODAY: Will you step out of whatever keeps you from reaching out to someone with a need?
SONG: Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
SUNG BY: Islington Baptist Church