Who of us can honestly say we are not alarmed for today's Christian values and the true church of Jesus Christ?? They ought to be one and the same, yet so many Christians and churches seem dried up and dead!
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 This verse just doesn't seem to fit the lifestyle of today's Christian!
We seem to be totally absorbed with this world, our daily routines and obligations that we have lost sight of the time and have nodded off... oblivious to God and our relationship with Him. My friends, the night hours are coming to an end and soon the dawn will break, the day of our salvation is so much closer than we know!
We must stop and take a moment to evaluate our relationship with God, take a "wake up call" and see what we are doing to establish His Kingdom within our lives and in the lives around us! God is putting the finishing touches on our salvation, on the work He began in us when we first believed!!
We must not squander away these precious hours in frivolity and extravagances, indulging ourselves in the activities of this world! It truly is time to "wake up and get out of bed" be prepared, available and excited to share the Gospel with those who are lost.
There is no time to linger, nor dawdle away the hours until the very last minute. It's time to put on our Godly garments of decency, righteousness and praise, it's time to live a life that reflects the image of Christ Jesus!!
Nothing in this world is more meaningful or more valuable than to walk in the footsteps of Christ!! If our lives become so entwined, so entangled with earthly duties, that we forget or become too tired to have time for prayer and reading God's Word, then yes, we are too attached to the carnal and mundane things of this world we live in.
There is a quote that says, "IF you are too busy to PRAY and READ your scriptures, you are busier than God EVER intended you to be." Author Unknown
It's time to really look at our lives and determine if we are walking towards our "heavenly home" or are we content to live and die... in this "secular and earthly home" that ends in death???
God is giving us a "WAKE-UP CALL..." how will we respond???