Life can be difficult... it can be downright hard! However, we can make it worse... or we can "CHOOSE" to make it better. I use to struggle with my life... I use to wrestle with my thoughts until I was in a frenzy and there seem to be no end in sight. So besides going through a tough time... I was creating more anxieties by dwelling on things I had no control over and could not change on my own. We can't worry about evil people... who seem to prosper in their ways and we can't fret about their wicked schemes.
I finally understood that to walk with God... was to Rest in Him... knowing that ONLY He was truly in control of my life. He would walk with me through the good and the bad times... He would be my rest and my strength and all I had to do was trust Him to keep His word. I have to say that, "He has kept His Word!" He has been with me and He has been my comfort and strength.
I have a measure of peace that I never thought possible and it's not because I am trouble free. I have struggles that still befall upon me. However, my rest and trust come directly from God... I do not sit and sulk or stew over what is upon me. I choose to put it into Gods hands and wait for the answers that I KNOW He will bring.
So I must ask you today... "Are you fretting or resting on your journey in life?"