Matthew 7:21
I see all the doctors, nurses and technicians bringing me back from a code blue, but all I know is that I have been walking and talking with my Lord. Promenading, hand in hand along a riverbank, with the most captivating, alluring flowers and greenery that I had ever seen! To describe it literally and authentically is limited by my scope of narrow understandings and language skills.
I embrace TOTAL peace as we shuffle along, there are no thoughts on anything that had ever been a concern or gripped my mind and the Love oh, the LOVE is incomprehensible! This love permeates by entire being, bringing so much joy and harmony within my mind, heart and soul!
And, then I see it, the brilliantly illuminated and glowing city on a hillside, I am enthralled and drawn to it. I am quite ready to race to the footbridge that is just ahead, cross that rolling river and scale that hillside so that I may enter that heavenly kingdom!
Oh, in great affection my Lord takes my hand, sending warmth, comfort and contentment to my soul, and very softly He speaks these words, "No, my child it is not your time. Go back and tell everyone who will hear, "I AM that I AM! I AM Alpha and Omega" suddenly I see it, eternity right before my eyes, but just as abruptly drops out of my sight!
I had just seen the "brink of heaven's doorway" and while I yearned to enter in, I am quickly back in my hospital bed!! Still, it was enough to last the rest of my life time!! It was sufficient for me, and it gives me the desire to serve my Lord and Savior Jesus more each and every day!!
It is abundantly clear that I should share His good news of the gospel with those I encounter, here on my blog and in person, simply because "Heaven and Eternity are assuredly real"!!!
Matthew 25:46
On July 13, 2016, I am released from the hospital, I am joyfully home and eager to rest peacefully in my own bed, lets face it no one sleeps in the hospital! I sleep like a baby in my first few nights at home and then I find myself trapped in a vision or a dream of complete horror!!
I call out for help, for my husband Don but, it seems like forever before he gently wakes me up. I am drenched in a cold, clammy sweat as panic sweeps over me and I find myself shaking uncontrollably.
I instinctively grab and grasp my bed sheets to still my body, but the obvious trembling continues as I ask Don to pray for me! Without hesitation, my husband lifted my name towards heaven invoking our Lord to help me, even though he had no idea of what I was experiencing.
I am intensely petrified and terror-stricken, unable to express the horror I have just experienced. I was standing alone, in a circular chasm, with raw burning sulfur piles that included twisting orange columns of fire, marked with intense heat.
I could see them, people off in the distance who seemed to be dancing or partying. The extreme temperatures were daunting and although I didn't have any desire to go closer to them, I began the short span until I reached one woman.
She was NOT dancing and she was NOT partying, nor were the others, NO! They were all far from any form of partying, amusement or delight! The woman stood there helplessly, her ankles chained as she continually screamed, hollered and cried out for help!
Her pale ashen skin was burning, then it began falling off into this abyss we were in, just skeletal bones were left, but as quickly as it fell off... it reappeared and began the fiery process over and over again!! I extended my hand to her, but as close as I was... I still could not reach her.
I panicked, as my body began to tremble and shudder in absolute apprehension and sudden fear. "Lord, get me out of this hell!" It was very obvious, this place was intended for the wicked and condemned!"
I tried my best to call for Don and soon I was awake and away from the terror, only my body continued to uncontrollably shake! I asked my husband to pray, and when he was done, I asked him to call a close friend and our pastor to pray!
They didn't know what they were praying for, but I knew they were praying for me when my mind and body began to quietly calm down and the fear eased away! I thought for a moment and asked the Lord, "How in the world can I explain any of this to anyone, surely they will think I am crazy"?!?!
However, in His still tranquil voice He spoke these words, "Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked," it was Psalm 91:8. Now, I knew without a shadow of doubt I could share my story, and tell people the God's honest truth... THERE IS A HEAVEN and THERE IS A HELL!!
If you have repented and are a Disciple of Christ Jesus, if you have asked Him to be your Lord and Savior and if you love Him enough to live for Him and serve Him, YOU my friend are saved and never have to question where you will spend eternity!
And, not to worry, if you don't know Jesus personally!! Right now you can repent of your sin and ask Him to wash you in the precious blood that was shed for you on the cross of Calvary!
He lovingly and patiently waits for you! Ask yourself this question, "Where will I spend Eternity"?? If I can help you in any way to realize our Savior is ready and willing to forgive you of your sins... please feel free to contact me!