And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief. Mark 9:24
Hello, do you know me? My name is doubt! I am a cousin of Fear. I love to hang around and see if I can make my way... into your life.
I had a great time when Abraham couldn't believe and Sarah just laughed with me. It took them a long time to believe they would have a son! Genesis 17:17 I just laughed when Zacharias refused to believe, that Elizabeth would conceive. I'm sure he thought a lot about me during her time, with child. Luke 1:18
Did you notice me when Jacob started weeping, at the news of his son Joseph's death? Genesis 37:33 What did you think when I caused Peter to sink, just an arm's length away from Jesus!Matthew 14:30-32
Oh my, the games I play with the human mind! And, no one will ever forget Thomas! Remember, he had to place his fingers in the nail scarred hands to believe. John 20:27
And now, I am your fears, being acted out in your thoughts and beliefs. I am totally negative in nature and I am unable to see anything positive in life.
If you lack strong values and principles, I am unmanageable in your life. It is the lack of your firm beliefs that allows me to pull you down to my level. I like to strike hard and fast and I love to devastate you to the core.
I could go on... but you know me. I have pillaged through your faith on more than one occasion!
My friend, we have all doubted! We have all been afraid... and in each case, you must know that God's response has never been that of wrath. God has had nothing but patience and love for our short-comings.
When we face doubt, we can know that Jesus understands our frailties. Jesus isn't here to condemn us at these times. If we just admit our doubts and ask for the Lord's help, he will help us. It is then that our doubts will lead us to a stronger and deeper faith!
Run to God in prayer at these times, this is what He desires most! We need not get frustrated... we just need to seek the Lord... He is our help in times of doubt and fear!
God actually honors those who seek after Him with earnest questions and doubts. We can proclaim with Mark,
"I believe, help thou my unbelief!"
Mark 9:24