I will never forget thy precepts: for with them thou has quickened me.
PSALMS 119: 93
The psalmist believed and knew who God was because of
his relationship with Him. The author knew that walking in the Word of the Lord brought divine intervention in his life in
good times and in times of trials and troubles.
The promises of God can help when we are facing difficulties,
adversities and tribulations! There is no doubt that we
must hold fast to God's Holy Word if we want the
Lord to lead us through to victory!
First, I believe God is faithful to all generations. He is
looking for His followers to seek Him diligently!
Secondly; I believe His laws will endure for all time,
and we must follow the truths of the
God's Word is eternal and will stand forever. When we
spend time reading, studying, memorizing and applying God's Holy Word to our lives - We will see that it applies in both
the good and the bad times.
The depth of the psalmist's relationship with God reflects
his commitment and connection to God's Word. Take time to
read God's Word daily and hold on to it during life's storms,
and you will see Him work through you!
Something to Ponder: I learned and memorized scriptures
using the King James Version... I find it can get very
confusing when we memorize scriptures in other versions
simply because we are not all on the same page, especially
when we are in a Sunday School Classroom or listening to
a pastor's sermon.
God's Word says: For God is not the author of confusion,
but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
I'm not saying we can't read or look at other versions of the Bible, but to rid ourselves of the confusion, (because we know where confusion comes from) it's best if we all stay on the same page or in the original King James Version. And if your astute you will find that other versions will not "fully or truly" give you the correct interpretation of God's Holy Word.