Author: Pastor Clark Beiler
Whitehouse Fork PH Church
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. John 13:34
In light of all that is going on in the world today and the division that has been brewing, it is time to come clean and acknowledge it. I am a racist. There, they say that confession is good for the soul.
Now, Let me explain. You see I am for only one race. I believe that one race is better than all others and that race should be preferred above all others. That is the classic definition of a racist, so I believe it applies to me. I have to admit it.
Now, let me identify the race I prefer. It is the race that God created. As I remember, He is only reported to have created one, the race that descended from Adam and Eve. It is also the race that God declares He loves.
It is the race that Jesus died for, it is the race that the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His redemption and salvation was to be proclaimed to. It is the race that alone and exclusively comprises the Church that Jesus Christ came to establish. It is the race that as followers of Jesus Christ, we are commanded to love.
It is the race that is called to become disciples of Jesus Christ. It is indeed the race that the followers of Jesus Christ are called to make disciples of. It is the race that Jesus prayed would become one, just as the Father and Son are One. It is the race that the mission of the Church of Jesus Christ has been commanded to reach and embrace.
I am sure that by now you're getting my drift. The race I speak of is the "Human Race". It is the race we all belong to and that is loved by God. Divisions in our culture are being driven by forces that would seek to turn us against one another instead of bringing us together in the love of Jesus Christ!
I truly believe that it is time for all followers of Jesus Christ to come together and become racists contending for the HUMAN RACE! God's Word says: There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. Ephesians 4:4-6 (NKJV)
I am a racist. I am for the Human Race. It is time for us to be joined together in the bonds of the love of Jesus Christ. Come to Jesus.
Let us all be united in our love for Jesus Christ. Do not allow the lies and deception all around us to divide us against one another when the love of Jesus Christ desires to unite us to one another in the love that Jesus has for all humanity everywhere!!
A "BIG THANK YOU" to Pastor Beiler, Don and I have always learned from your teaching and preaching and it was our privilege to sit under your leadership for many years!!!