Without truly meditating on this verse... we casually learn that we should just "love one another." But, consider this... we are told not to just love one another... but that we should love one another as Christ Jesus loved us! Oh, that brings so much more to the equation. Christ's love is so much more than we can even begin or imagine... the way we should love.
Our love usually tends to be conditional... even with family and spouses... not to mention our friends... and when those conditions are not met... we tend to stop our flow of love.
Our love stops flowing over silly little petty things, compared to what God's Word says... about how He loves us. We tend to give up so easily on the people in our lives. Our giving up leads to major consequences... such as the break down of families...divorce... bitterness... violence... and on and on I could go.
God's love never stops flowing... the Bible specifically tells us that NOTHING... NOTHING can separate us from the love of Christ. Not tribulation/(adversities)... distress/(anxieties)... persecution/(torment)... famine/(hunger, death)... nakedness/(uncovered emotionally)... peril/(danger). These are not little things... and these are not simple misunderstandings. Tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness and death are all major things that might give us the right to give up on someone... but God tells us "No, this is not enough for me to stop loving you the way I do!" God's Word goes on to tell us that not even death, life, angels, principalities, powers, present things, or things to come... no height, no depth, no creäture on earth can stop the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. See: Romans 8:35 to verse 39.
If we have Christ in our lives... and we are walking in the spirit and not the flesh... our love should never stop flowing. Just the opposite... our love for people should be constantly overflowing... constantly giving and constantly looking for the good in the people we associate with. So... How's your love life? Is it based in carnal earthly love or are you rooted in God's love?