2 Corinthians 4:7
On one of the most somber and bleak days in these United States, a sign of life and light emerged from gnarled, fiery, twisted steel. This image of hope gave the firefighters strength to keep moving forward, on the look out for anyone that might have survived the horror of the day!
There in the rubble were two steel beams that formed a cross! That cross, was an emblem of their love and dedication to find every last soul that had been lost in the debris.
When lack of strength, darkness, and even death consumed these rescuers, the sight of the cross, brought the light of courage to keep going. Many hinged their faith on the only sight that made sense that day.

When the people of this world are to weary to go on, when their despair and misery goes beyond their understanding, they must be able to see the "light of hope' that shines forth from each of us. They need to see Jesus shining brightly in our lives.
We don't go around boasting of ourselves, we teach that "Jesus is Lord!" We are just his servants, jars of clay that contain this great treasure.
It must be made perfectly clear, that it is God's power that can heal and care for lost souls. There is nothing that we can do in ourselves!
We have troubles on every side, but we are not crushed. We are also perplexed but not to despair. And, while we are hunted down, we are never abandoned by God.
Through our sufferings and anxieties, we share in the death of Jesus, so that the life and light of Jesus may be seen clearly in each of us. We are the only influence in this world that has Almighty God and it is God alone who is able to deliver the lost and hurting!
My friend, does your light shine brightly? Does your life say, "Take refuge and shelter, come learn of Jesus this day!"