Philippians 4:13 KJV
One of the greatest tests in life is to see if we will hearken and obey God's commands even when we are in the midst of the immense and raging storms of life! I ask myself over and over, am I doing what is right in God's eyes even while the vast storms envelop me??
It is about choosing what is right in the storms and not just enduring them! I am learning that it takes unshakable faith to choose the way of "Eternal Life"!!
It is possible that at times my continuous flow of tears washes my eyes so that I can see all the more clearly "God's point of view"! Still the uncertainty and pain cries out for answers with clarity, trying simply to understand God's ways and purpose in in every circumstance I am facing.
This past month has been ravaged by my Lupus symptoms, and various other stumbling blocks that my husband and I are facing. There are times when I think, "I can't do this any more" and then I hear that still small voice saying, "I will give you strength and I will help you"!!
I'm learning that our faith does not perform or function in the affairs of our abilities or potentialities. What glory would our God receive in anything which is humanly possible for us to do??
No! Faith begins and acts on our inability to overcome that which is impossible for us to do aside from God! It is absurd and unreasonable to please God apart from our faith in Him!!
Why?? Because, when we enter into God's presence, we must believe two matters; one is that He exists and two, that He cares enough about us and, that He will respond to those of us who will seek him wholeheartedly and unconditionally!
I believe God truly desires that we be "Content Whatever Our Circumstances"!! Whatever my Lupus does, wherever I am in life, I can make it through anything in the One who has made me exactly who I am!!
Truly, at this point in my life I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. The formula for having joy in any circumstance, is knowing that God is with me, He loves me and I am in His care!
The hymn, "It Is Well With My Soul" resonates in my heart, soul and mind. The following is the story and history behind the song:
Horatio G. Spafford was a successful lawyer and businessman in Chicago. He and his wife Anna had five children, however they were not strangers to tragedy. Their young son died with pneumonia in 1871 and in that same year much of their business was lost in the great Chicago fire. Yet, God allowed the business to flourish once more.
On November 21, 1873, the French ocean liner, Ville du Harve was crossing the Atlantic from the U.S. to Europe with 313 passengers aboard. Among them, Mrs. Spafford and their four daughters. Mr. Spafford was supposed to go with his family, however he found it necessary to stay in Chicago to help solve an unexpected business problem. His plan was to take another ship and join his family a few days later.
About four days into the crossing of the Atlantic, the ship collided with a powerful, iron-hulled Scottish ship, the Loch Earn. Suddenly, all of those on board were in grave danger. Anna hurriedly brought her four children to the deck, where she knelt with her daughters, Annie, Margaret, Bessie and Tanetta. She prayed that God would spare them if that was His will or to help them endure whatever awaited them.
Within 12 minutes, the Ville du Harve slipped beneath the dark waters of the Atlantic, carrying with it 226 of the passengers including the four Spafford children. A sailor, rowing a small boat over the spot where the ship went down, spotted a woman floating on a piece of wreckage. It was Anna, still alive.
He pulled her into the boat and they were picked up by another large vessel which, nine days later, landed them in Cardiff, Wales. From there Anna wired her husband a message which began, "Saved alone, what shall I do?" Mr. Spafford later framed the telegram and placed it in his office.
Another of the ship's survivors, Pastor Weiss, later recalled Anna saying, "God gave me four daughters, now they have been taken from me. Someday I will understand why." Mr. Spafford booked passage on the next available ship to join his wife about four days later.
According to Bertha Spafford Vester, a daughter born after the tragedy, Spafford wrote the hymn "It Is Well With My Soul" while on his journey to meet his wife.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall keep your hearts, your minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7