My Dad Before He Got Sick

Psalm 31:24
I stuck my toes out from under our king size electric blanket and almost immediately drew them back into the warmth of our bed. It was a blustery, nose-biting cold January morning, Don and our boys had already left for work and school respectively. I just wanted to pull the covers over my head and stay in bed that day, even if for just a little while.
But no, today I would get up and get dressed, then I would drive to my parents home, where my mother would be waiting for me. We would travel up, over and around the blue Appalachian Mountains, that were quite charming and perfect for any artist who wanted to capture this cold wintery morning. It was a beautiful ride, but not on days like today. I had done this everyday for the last three months, my dad was like a big kid and couldn't stand to be alone, especially while in the hospital! He didn't say it, but I knew he was afraid, not of death (he was going to heaven) but of dying, dad had a hard time with pain.
As we traveled the thirty minute drive, I prayed that the doctors would have the permission they needed, to send dad home on a trial drug, that had not yet been approved by the FDA. Once we had that approval, dad could come home and he was begging us everyday for just that!! Dad's heart was dangerously failing him, there was no other hope except for that medicine or a touch from God above.
As I walked off the elevator, I could see the doctor at the nursing station and today, well today he had a big smile on his face. The approval was in! Dad could come home, but he had to wait one more day. Our local drug stores would not carry the medicine, so we would have to wait for the hospital pharmacy to order it and that would take a day, or so. I banked my heart and my dads on a days time and then prayed it would be there.
As we walked into my dads hospital room, he had a great big ole' smile on his face. The doctors had already been in to tell him the good news, I hadn't seen dad smile like that in such a long time! It took me back to my childhood where I remembered my dad as a much younger man with curly black hair and rosy cheeks, but with that same big smile, which hadn't changed a bit!
As my mom and dad discussed a home cooked meal, I sat deep in thought. So much had changed, dad's heart had stopped on Christmas Eve and he had to have a pacemaker implanted. He was so weak and could only walk half way around the Cardiac Telemetry Unit. There was the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, the Intermediate Cardiac Unit and the Cardiac Telemetry Unit, dad had been in and out of each of these in the last few months. What would his life be like at home? I was about to find out... we all were.
Without hope, life is obscure and somber, I had hoped and prayed for so many things while my dad was so ill. God had been very merciful in answering and He gave us more days together then the doctors had thought possible. If I couldn't pray, If I couldn't hope in Jesus, I don't know how I would have even thought of taking dad home!
You may have a loved one who is ill or maybe a burden that has made your way weary. Jesus wants to share your struggles, He doesn't walk away when we hurt, He wades right in, if we let Him. He gives us exactly what we need, in each moment that we need it. The scriptures written long ago are still alive and meant as much for us now, as they were then! Place your hope in God who gives us all hope and comfort. He will carry you!
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus was speaking to a group of people who had been trying to carry an impossible load. He is also speaking to us today, He says, "Come to me, let me help you, take my yoke upon you and let me give you rest!" Will you come to Him today? He is waiting for you!