For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. ISAIAH 55:8-9
If you've ever stood before an artist and watched him paint, it can be quite an experience. He starts putting his paints on a palette, mixing them with one another and then begins splashing on the colors. You can almost imagine that he or she is thinking, "A little more blue or purple here..."
It's as though the artist is standing before the place they are about to begin painting. We simply stand by and say, "Wow! How do they do that?"
But then, suddenly you may see the artist dip his brush into some colors and swirl them across the entire canvas. Well now, we think to ourselves, surely he or she has ruined his painting!!
Then just as quickly as he twirled the colors on the palette, and painted a few more strokes, it all just comes together and, it's a masterpiece!!
Sometimes as we go about our lives, doing the necessary duties, going to school or to work, making dinner, or whatever it is that we do... and we are content because all is going as planned, it's all good...Right??
(Note To Self: "Did we thank God that life is going so well?")
Then suddenly one day... the "unexpected, interrupts" our peaceful and content living. We look up and say, "Why God? Why did you make this happen now?"
Have you ever gone through something like that?? I have and I would dare to say, that you too have been stopped for something very unexpected that happened in your life also.
When the artist made his swirl of colors across the canvas, it didn't seem to make sense to us, but it made perfect sense to the artist. And just because "unexpected interruptions" don't make sense to us, DO NOT think that they don't make sense at all!
In Acts 12 we see Herod's ungodly power, James' death, then Peter's release. And yet, all these things are working together. This is the sovereignty of our God. It is the providence of our God.
God sees things most different than we see them.
We do not... we see things from the start... through the middle... and then maybe, to the END!
In spite of the worst things that may happen to us, it is so important to remember; GOD ALWAYS HAS A PLAN. My friend, we may not even see the END, until we get to heaven. Still, we must BELIEVE GOD HAS OUR GOOD IN MIND!!
If we could see the END before the BEGINNING we might understand God's plans better, but we can't! We have to trust God to guide us through whatever may come our way.
Think on this: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. ROMANS 8:28