The New Year 2014 is here!! It is a time to reflect upon where you have been and an opportunity to see where you are headed. A time to ask God, what He has planned for you in the days ahead. And a time to ponder how you will use your time and talents in 2014!
We live in a world where people are hurting, and while it may seem to be over-whelming, we can make a difference!!
Here's how:
1. Strive to be Christ-like where ever you are! Whether you are at home or at work, make a decision to serve others... with joy! Do you have a neighbor who needs a home cooked meal? Or is there a co-worker who needs a helping hand?
Perhaps, there is a child or teen who needs a word of encouragement.
As you go through your daily routines, ask God to show you "who" needs a little extra care or attention. Ask Him to direct your day and your ways to the needs of others.
Be an example to those around you!
2. Be Visionary Missionary! While you may not be able to travel to another country, volunteer where you are! Read to children at your local library or help
tutor a child after school. Take time to visit patients in hospitals or the elderly who are in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
If you can't go on a mission trip, donate so that others can go or volunteer your time to educate and organize the mission trip. Use your God-given "time, talent and know-how" to enrich another's life.
The blessings that come back to you will be immeasurable!
3. Disciple Someone! Pick a specific person who needs Christ in their life -- then be devoted to helping them find Jesus! Ask someone to partner with you in prayer once a week! Take an hour or two and babysit young children for a mother who is overwhelmed with the endless duties of running a household.
Let others see Jesus in YOU!
4. Pray! Pray! Pray! There is nothing more important you can do for someone else! No matter where or what their circumstances are you can reach out in prayer! Pray for those who are persecuted around the world, just for their belief in Christ Jesus! Pray for missionaries and pastors at home and abroad! Pray for those who are searching for truth and seeking to find God!
The power of prayer is a precious gift we can give to others!
5. Be Thankful and Content! Learn to recognize, all the things that you do have and let yourself be fully content with everything that God has given you. We will be more aware of the countless blessings given us, if we take time to be thankful for each of them individually.
Let us use today and everyday in 2014 to "Praise God for His many blessings" through our words, our behaviors and our devotions to Him!
First and foremost share God's love with everyone you come in contact with!