OUESTION: If I take and dip a drinking glass into a stagnant and polluted pool of water, will I bring out a refreshing drink of water? Absolutely not!
We are able to tame lions and tigers... but we can't tame man's tongue - it's never been done. James 3:8 Most of our tongues run wild, without even the slightest of thought to what we say.
With our tongues we bless God our Father; so how is it we can turn right around and in the next sentence; curse the very men and woman made in His image? It goes against every belief and argument we can make for even being a Christian!
I talked about planting a few days ago. So I have to ask, will the tomato plants, that Don and I planted, bear me apples come July? Absolutely not! We reap what we sow!
By our own speech we can ruin the world around us, we can set friend against friend, turn harmony and accord into angst and discord. We can destroy and ruin someone of their good reputation.
It takes only one little spark to set off a horrific forest fire. So are we willing to send our world up in smoke? If so, are we than willing to go up in smoke with it? Seeing also that the smoke that is coming, is straight from the pit of hell??
Many of us see this world decaying before our eyes and we like to ask, "God to Bless Our Nation!" However, what this nation really needs is, "God's Mercy!"
We need to ask our God to have compassion on an unruly people whose tongues are not subdued. And, on those whose lives, reflect the words they've spoken.
I've wanted to speak about this for a while. When I see someone who professes to be a Christian... and then see some of the things they write or talk about on the social media scene... it drives me crazy! Still, I don't want to hurt or discourage anyone!
We are called to be a light in this dark world... and yet "some of us... most of the time" and "most of us... some of the time" look and act exactly like the world! What does that mean? It means we are not carrying the light of Jesus Christ at all times!
My friend, I don't claim to be perfect. I just want the light of Jesus Christ to shine more brightly through me. I can only do that if I guard my tongue from, "everything it would like to say."
Wouldn't it be more beneficial to speak love, joy and blessings over one another? Wouldn't we all benefit... just a little more from kind words? I think so... how about you?
We may not be able to "tame our tongue" but we can "set a guard" about it!