1 John 4:7,8
Sheba was the Queen of the jungle! However, she was only able to think of herself, her desires and the things that were important to her.
One thing that Queen Sheba desired was a husband and family. But, she could not find a man who was as dashing and wonderful as herself. So she decided to forgo finding a husband and at once made this announcement, "I order all of the animals in my kingdom to come to my palace with their babies. The animal who has the most beautiful baby, will come to live with me on palace grounds and will be awarded a prize!"
All the animals came to Queen Sheba's palace as ordered, with their babies. She began to inspect the babies one by one. She came to a monkey and said, "What an ugly baby! You certainly will not win any prizes from me!"
The baby monkey began to cry. Still, the monkeys mother, drew her closer and said, "What a foolish queen! Who wants her prize? You are my jewel, my dear child. You are more precious than anything under the sky and I love you!
The baby monkey's mother went on, "I'm afraid the one who would win, might not get a prize at all. For, they might end up to be just like the Queen! Her love could never stand up to the love I have for my baby!"
We may have not been born into the most upper class, affluent lifestyle. We may not rate among the most beautiful or charming crowds. Still, as Christians, our value does not come from this world or what it thinks of us!
The world has taken 'love' and made it into, the exact opposite of God and His love. This queen had the world's version of love, which is selfish, envious and unclean! God's love is always genuine, pure and unadulterated.
God's love has no equal, to anyone or anything this world would have to offer us! God's love is not just an emotion, a choice or an action, it is "Who God Is!"
God is Love.... Love is God, do we really get that? 1 John 4:8
PONDER THIS: You can't do anything to deserve God's love and you can't do anything to keep Him from loving you!
That is a truth that is hard for our minds to grasp, much less believe, but it is TRUTH!! The very essence of God is Love, there are no restrictions, no exclusions and no conditions!!! God Loves You!!! That's the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH!!!