May For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. ROMANS 8:18
May the reality of heaven mean more to you than your temporary circumstances here on earth. May the promise of God's provision compel you to live generously and with expectancy. May you see the blessings in your battles, tough as they are!
Are you stronger because of them??
Do you have more compassion for those who suffer
because of the way you have suffered?? Even in
hardship, Jesus meets us, refines us, and
empowers us to change the world.
May you refuse to get tangled up in your regrets from yesterday, your frustrations today, and your fears about tomorrow. May you instead, lift your eyes and look to Jesus. May you live with eternity in mind and have a blessed, magnificent life that is always eternally-minded.
We have many blessings that go unseen each day,
Lord please open our eyes and our hearts to see
everything and everyone we encounter that can
be a blessing. Even our mistakes can lead us to
blessings we would have never
thought possible.
I dialed the wrong number the other day, thinking
I was calling my son. Instead it was an elderly
woman, she did not get angry with me, in fact
she was very polite and understanding.
We got to talking and she has a physical need that requires prayer... Now isn't that just like Jesus?? This was no mistake,
it was a God-Connection with someone who needed
prayer. I thought of my own physical needs and the
blessings I receive from those who are
praying for me!
Knowing God loves us and has a perfect plan and purpose in everything that comes our way, will give us the assurance
that truly, He loves us and He is in control. Now, that's another blessing right there.
When we turn our worries to worship, then we can watch God turn our battles into blessings. Keep in mind: the tougher the trial... the bigger the blessing that is on its way!
God is fighting your battles.. arranging things in your favor and making a way even when you don't see a way
out of them. The same power that raised Christ
from the dead is in us today!
That's why I don't think there's any connection between
the current hard times and the developing glorious
times that God has purposed for us in His future
plans for us. In the meantime a joyful anticipation
deepens within my soul!
Jesus will never, ever fail us or forsake us...
YOU my friend can bank on that!
BELOW: Lynda Randle - The God on the Mountain Is Still
God in the Valley