Isn't it wonderful to know that know that no matter what is going on in this crazy world that God is there to protect and provide peace for us... even while we are asleep. God tells us that we can dwell in safety during our hours of sleep. To dwell is to inhabit, so we can be assured when we lay our heads down... that we are peacefully nestled in the arms of God... and we are sheltered under His wings. What joy and calm that brings to my soul.
My mom and dad passed away in their sleep...and I wondered why God made them die all alone...then I remembered what the medical examiner said to me, "your dad looks so peaceful." The nurses also told me my mom just passed away so peacefully. Now, when I read Psalm 4:8 I realized... my parents didn't die alone... they were both in the arms of Jesus. What a wonderful thought to know they were never alone... Jesus was right there with them.
So... when you go to sleep tonight... (or morning if you work nights) rest in the wonderful truth that you will be in the arms of Jesus. Ponder Psalm 4:8 ... you might get the best sleep you have ever have... if you are resting in our Lord Jesus!!