He hath made every- thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart so that no man can find the work that God makes from the beginning to end.
Malcontents, Insurgents, Terrorists, they all prey on fear! They appear to be motivated by hatred, hostility, malice, and rancor however, we can never be sure of exactly what propels them to act upon their animosity.
This present developing tragedy brings to the forefront the one fear that permeates all of our lives; the fear of death. Yet, there is no real escape from that reality for it comes knowingly to all of us.
Who of us goes to the doctor only to learn cancer is eating our body? Who of us goes on our first vacation in years, then has an accident that kills loved ones sitting right beside us?
Worse yet, who of us expects their child to die in a school shooting? Who of us expects to go to work and never return home? And who goes to see a movie never to return home?
What many do no know is the appropriate response to what is going on in the seeming madness all around us. Our response must center on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this good news addresses the reality of death with the only genuine hope that there is!
So many do not believe that there is life after death and even the strongest Believer in Christ Jesus can be shaken when the death of a dearly departed loved one strikes our own lives and hearts!
ECCLESIASTES 3:11 In this verse, Solomon is saying that God has put eternity in the heart of man. We seem to innately know that there is something more than this life. If we have hope in this life alone, we really are living a miserable existence. It's no wonder that fear grips the hearts of so many of us!
I experienced a similar lack of hope when my youngest brother Joe passed away. Suddenly I was faced with so many mixed feelings and the truth of all that I ever believed seemed to be slipping through my fingers until I prayed, re-read the Word of God and talked with other Believers who had gone through the same questions.
Some people protect themselves by "objecting to the concept of life after death." I have heard it said that no one has ever gone there and come back to tell us about it.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ argues against that thought for Jesus did indeed die and return to give us the certainty of life after death. That truth is as least one vital part of the message of the Gospel, which I clung to when Joe died suddenly.
Jesus told Martha after her brother Lazarus had died that "He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live." And to establish the truth that Jesus was indeed the "Resurrection and the Life," Jesus called Lazarus back from death to life.
You might consider this to be a myth if you fail to believe that Jesus Himself also has been Resurrected from the clutches of death!
The Gospel of Jesus Christ gives us the assurance that "whosoever believes in Jesus Christ should not perish but have everlasting life," as told in this beloved verse. JOHN 3:16
One of the many blessings of the Gospel is it frees us from the doubts and fears of death. Jesus has provided this freedom for all mankind. It is the assurance that the Gospel of Jesus provides!
It is today proclaimed so that in uncertain times such as these, we may have peace in our hearts amid grief and pain.
Such is the peace that God provides.
It is the peace of His love and comfort of His Presence abiding in the hearts of everyone who will trust in Jesus Christ! This gives us meaning and purpose in our day to day life.
Such profound and absolute hope can be found nowhere else!! If you are dismayed, come to Jesus. Talk to Him simply as you talk to your loved ones. Put your trust in His love and His truth and you will find the peace that passes all our understandings!
Generally, when we think of fear we might equate it to anxiety, dismay, despair, horror, and worry. Fear is that feeling in the pit of our stomach which can be little, such as "butterflies" or it could be great terror, such that prevents us from interacting with others and sometimes keeps us shut up inside our homes.
The Bible calls this kind of fear, "the spirit of fear!"
Did you know the Bible actually talks of two different kinds of fear? While "the spirit of fear" may be harmful to us; "the fear of God" is nothing but beneficial. This type of fear is best explained by the word reverence.
My sixth-grade teacher use to always say, "There are only two things in life that are definite, "Taxes and Death!"
But, I would say to you, "The next time you are fearful, remember that it could be a good thing! Choose the fear of the God, "especially if death is one of your greatest
fears in this life!"