for when I am weak, then am I strong.
What does Paul mean in this verse when he says he "takes pleasure" in all of these difficult circumstances?
He is saying that:
- If his money were taken, he would end up with greater riches. His weakness becomes his strength.
- When Paul was isolated and placed in solitary confinement, then Jesus was nearer. His weakness became his strength.
- If they beat him and he hurt, then Paul had the fellowship of Christ's sufferings. His weakness became his strength.
- If his body became crippled and he was no longer able to lean upon the arm of flesh, then Paul had to lean on the Everlasting Arms. His weaknesses became his strength.
A great experiment in the desert called the biodome was created as a living environment for plant life and young trees. A huge glass dome was constructed to house an artificial, controlled environment with purified air, water, healthy soil and filtered light. The intent was to afford perfect growing conditions for vegetables, fruits and trees.
However, when the trees grew to a certain height, they would all topple over. Scientists were baffled until they realized they forgot to include the natural elements of storms and wind.
Trees need wind and storms to blow hard against them because it causes their root systems to grow deeper, which supports the tree as it grows.
So now you know, just how very young trees, when faced with the many storms through it's young life, ultimately become stronger. And, the more powerful the winds, torrential rains, famine, ice and snow, the deeper the roots of the tree grow and the stronger it becomes.
God has given us a great lesson in wisdom through nature if we will pay attention. Watch and see how a tree bends and sways gracefully as the wind blows against it.
The tree does not stand rigid, resisting the flow of energy. It does not push back. The tree bends and sways receiving God's blessings that helps it develop and grow strong.
A curve in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to take the roads course. As we learn to trust God in the storms of our lives we learn that such storms and sufferings develop our character and deepen our spiritual roots.
When we grow deeper, we will also stand taller. God's desire is not to destroy us in our sufferings, His desire is to make each of us stronger. There is Godly power in all of our sufferings.
Suffering does not have to weaken you; it may even make you stronger then you were been before the adversity. Finding the "Blessings in Our Weaknesses" is finding God's strength in our suffering!
BELOW: Why Me Lord - Gaither Vocal Band