We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain. (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time expected, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation.) 2 Corinthians 6:1,2
It was special and it was a privilege to attend this particular Sunday evening church service where a couple I thoroughly loved was ministering in song and testimony. They were accompanied by an old friend, an alcoholic man who had been delivered from the grips of liquor, an atrocious, Godless past and now considered himself "just an old sinner saved by God's Grace,") and he had come to share his testimony!
As he was finished testifying of his hellish past, he began to give a call for others to come to Jesus, when suddenly a young man in one of the back pews stood up and abruptly began speaking, "I am young, I have my whole life to live and if you think I'm giving it up for Jesus now, your crazy! I'll wait till I'm old and weary to accept your Jesus, but for now I'm going to live my life my way!!"
He then stormed out of the church service and quickly drove away. We stopped to pray for him, still just three hours later we learned that the young man who had so boldly and fiercely stated, "he was too young to come to Jesus, that he would live his life his way until he was old and weary..." had perished in an automobile accident involving liquor.
The gospel is a "Word of Grace" resonating in our ears, but it is useless for us to hear the good news, if we refuse to believe it, abide by it or let it reign in our hearts and minds! Sadly, the church of Jesus Christ has forgotten the scriptures, instead of advancing, promoting and proclaiming the "Word of God" we have retreated, we have withdrawn ourselves from assembling together and proclaiming, "NOW is the accepted time, NOW is the day of salvation!"
I have to ask, "How many are hurting, how many are dying and how many souls have been lost due to our uncaring attitudes and lack of concern?"
Tomorrow belongs to no one: we do not know what our future will be... will we have years, months or just days to remember that our present "Season of Grace" is short and uncertain?? It is therefore our duty and in our best interest to improve them while we have them and no less than our salvation depends upon our so doing!!
We, the "Church of Jesus Christ" can no longer withdraw or abandon our calling, instead we must give rise to and allow our lives to demonstrate the "good news" and remember that we are God's servants. This is the "right time" to listen, to adhere and obey, God's Holy Word!
We must stay our post, alert and unswervingly... for we are workers together with God!! We cannot let the grace we received so freely from God be for nothing!!
We must never give up, but in every way show that we are servants of God; even though we may face troubles, difficulties and problems of every kind!! God gives us the power to rejoice in our suffering, we may be poor, but we have the ability to make many people rich in faith... it may look like we have nothing, but really we have everything!!
As God's partners, I implore you not to toss aside the marvelous message of God's great kindness, His love and the salvation that He has provided us through His only son, Jesus Christ! For God would say to us, "Your cries came to be at a favorable time, when the doors of welcome were wide open and I helped you on a day when salvation was being offered to us!"
Listen! If we are serious about living this resurrection life with Christ... we must act like it!! Pursuing the things over which Christ presides, we can no longer shuffle along, eyes looking to the ground, absorbed with the things that are right in front of us.
It's time to "Look Up," and be alert to what God wants to do in our lives... it's time we see our lives from His perspective! The old life died when we received our salvation, and our new life... which is our "real life...." even though invisible to spectators, is in Christ Jesus!
We must let the peace of Christ keep us in tune with Him and with each other... no going off and doing our own thing! We can start by cultivating "thankfulness" and letting the Word of God run the House of God!!
It's time to pray... time to praise... time to worship and it's time to sing, singing our hearts out to God! Let every detail of our lives, our words, our actions, be done in the Name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God our Father with every step we take!
NOW is the day of Salvation! NOW is the day we have to serve and worship our Lord Jesus!! NOW is the time to start MOVING MOUNTAINS in 2017!!