As a wife, Elizabeth was childless... as a woman, she was ashamed.. as a believer, Elizabeth had faith and hope.
Yes, Elizabeth was the wife of a priest, but Zacharias was not one of the very important priests. Zacharias and Elizabeth lived in the hill country of Judea and Zacharias only served in the temple twice a year. It is even possible that he had never burned incense in the temple before this time.
In any event, Zacharias would have had to have an ordinary trade, just like anyone else in order to meet their needs. And, if Elizabeth gained any status from being the wife of a priest, it would have been overridden by comparison to her shame of being childless. Both Zacharias and Elizabeth were more ordinary people than not.
Elizabeth was old and barren. She is known as the only wife of Zacharias and a relative of Mary. That might not seem like a big deal to us but, in her day she was kin to some poor country bumpkins of Galilee. We find Elizabeth's story in Luke 1, where the Christmas story begins.
Zacharias and Elizabeth were righteous in the sight of God. They walked blamelessly in all of God's requirements and commandments. I don't think the Bible says that about anyone else except maybe Job. With that comparison we see that God allows his most faithful people to live through some difficult challenges. We also see that their righteousness did not afford them any special gain or notice.
I'm sure the friends and neighbors of Zacharias and Elizabeth did not know that God had considered them blameless. All they knew was that Zacharias, was one of the older priests and his wife Elziabeth was barren. Most of them would have assumed that somehow this couple was being punished by God for some hidden sin.
We know just a little about Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth. They might have done all the right things, yet God withheld the greatest desire from them both. I'm sure they had both heard the stories of Sarah, Rebekah and Hanna but I don't think those stories were of any comfort. I wonder if well-meaning friends, told them these stories until they got sick of hearing them!
Each of us at some point in our lives, have had "some kind of desire." Some of us ladies have indeed ached for children, while others longed for a husband or wife. And, while we are not blameless before the Lord, we look to God for help in those areas of our lives. We wait... day by day... month by month and even year by year... but, do we truly continue to trust God for the answers or are we trying to work things out on our own?
I am sure that on most days Elizabeth was full of faith for God's provision in her life. And while she served God cheerfully, she must have had days when the pain of being childless seeped into her heart. She was after-all human and like many of us, there must have been days when she wore her heart on her sleeve.
Still, God is there, and there is not a minute goes by that He does not think, "My child I do love you and I do have a plan for you! Don't lose hope my child, keep trusting, keep believing! I want only the best for you so allow me time, time to work out My will in your life! I am always looking for ordinary people, who truly love and trust me to do what's best in their lives."
We all have bad days! Days when our desires or dreams seem hopeless. I do know that if we press on, praying and believing, God will bring His best to each of us.
So keep believing! Keep trusting God for the answers to your prayers. Faith is a must for any Christian seeking to truly know the Lord. "Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." - Corrie Ten Boom