As we journey through life here on earth, we often will find wrong way turns... unexpected change of plans... failed shortcuts and even dead ends! There are times when we will be lost, aimlessly awry and off course... baffled by which direction we should take next.
We become discouraged and even defeated by the unexpected changes and plans we thought were from God. Has He rejected us? Has he abandoned us and left us to wander in this lifeless wilderness??
These times, often irritate us, they even cause us to rant and rave at God and what He wants us to do, how does He expect us to advance. However, it is in these times that God is training us in "faith building as He gives us lessons in trust!!"
Discipline My Child, Discipline!
We are eager to carry out, accomplish and arrive - God wants us to "Learn His Ways!" We want to hustle and hurry along - God wants us to "Walk and Take Step by Step!" - We aspire and yearn to do... but God says, "Be Still, Trust Me with YOUR destination!!"