Okay... so if you are not quite sure what I am saying... or where I'm going... I would ask that you just bear with me for just a bit. If this were a Christian site, I think I might under-stand all those words of anticipation and expectation... but it is not a Christian site. So, quite honestly it begs this question... what joy... what hope... and what peace?? I then also have to ask myself... what or who am I to Believe?
The message... is not only for this season... but for every season... and the message is JESUS CHRIST! He is the only true source of Joy, Hope and Peace! He is the one we must believe in if we are to attain any of these blessings!
The world is quietly and clandestinely trying to blend into the church... and if we are not careful... into each of us as believers. This is a scheme straight from satan himself... he waits patiently... for us to begin to merge slowly and methodically into his lies. The devil has believers right where he wants them... when we look no differently than those in the world and unfortunately... when we lose the power of the cross. Before we know it... we are no longer effective in our testimony for Jesus Christ!
We must return to our "first love" which is Jesus Christ. We must seek Him alone... and we must live only for our Lord Jesus. When we find that our hearts are more wooed by this world... then in Christ Jesus who has died to save us from our sins... we are on shaky ground. We can not serve two masters... No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6:24
So, I must ask myself daily... as a Believer in Christ Jesus... Who will I serve today? Who will I love more today? My answer will always reveal the truth... for I am either on solid... or shaky ground!