Dear God... I hope that you have noticed that I am trying to do better. So far today I haven't sulked or been down in the mouth... I'm not out of sorts... or even gloomy. I've not looked sullen or moped around and I have a smile on my face... and I'm definitely not scowling, God.
I know that I can be bad-tempered, cantankerous and just plain crabby at times... there have been days when I was so disgruntled and cross... it even shocked me a little bit! I grouched at my loved ones and grumbled and complained... I've been petty, peevish and testy... but Lord, I am determined that I won't be... not today!
So far God... I've done alright! I've not gossiped or spread any rumors. And... I absolutely have not implied, insuated or suggested any idle talk. Without question I have kept the tales and secrets of others to myself and myself alone!
I've refused to covet my neighbors things... even though I have desired... excessively in the past. I've not been selfish... miserly or greedy by thinking only of myself... today God! Today I have let go, of the narrow minded, tight fisted and stingy attitudes that enveloped me so easily on other days! Oh... and God... I've finally have given up my self seeking and self centered ideas.
Decidedly God, I am also doing away with my egotistical... pompous... self absorbed... stuck-up... vain ideals. I refuse to be a conceited, arrogant, puffed up, phony and a know-it all! I am seeking to be humble and meek... today God!
Yes, clearly... I know that I can also be excessive... but today... today will be different. I will not be unbalanced... uncontrolled... unreasonable or over-indulgent! My fickle, frivolous, rash...character will strive to be thoughtful. My wild... unrestrained... volatile ways will come into alignment with who you want me to be, I'm doing that today God.

choose today to be gentle, pleasant and polite. I will live for you today, God!
But God... I must confess... in a few moments... I will be getting out of bed... and I will probably need... ALL THE HELP... You can provide me. Especially, if I'm going to do all that... TODAY!
There is a root of sinful self-interest in all of us and it wars with our desire to walk in the Spirit. Our struggle is not in trying to do better in our own power... it is walking in the 'Spirit of God' on a daily basis. I have had to choose be led by the 'Spirit of God'... to escape the daily compulsions I had of a self law-dominated existence. Above is just a glimpse... of what it was like to try to do good on my own. I was trying to be a better Christian... and yet that was the very problem... "I WAS TRYING!" There is nothing I can do in myself... Christ has already done it ALL! If I 'Walk in the Holy Spirit'... God will mold my life... He will make me... everything I need to be... that is my most fervent prayers... "Make my life what You want it to be, Dear Lord!"